If you go away to college you probably understand the struggle of finding a place of serenity and quiet. If you do find such a place, it tends to become somewhat of a resort when you need a moment in your own thoughts. Every Tuesday and Thursday I have classes back to back that begin at 8:30 am… sounds repulsive, right? Well, I make it point to get up early enough to make it to Fitzelle Hall and sit in the most euphoric room on campus. I grab a toasty egg sandwich from Seasons CafĂ© and choose a high top table to enjoy fifteen minutes of “me time”. At this time of morning, no one is around and all I can hear are the far off voices of my co-workers in Seasons preparing for the rush at 8:50. I treasure this time I get to spend on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It makes it a little easier to rip myself from the covers and get my booty to class. If you are an Oneonta student, I am sure you can agree that Fitzelle has an architectural beauty about it that makes it enjoyable to go to class. The full wall of glass windows and the cozy alcoves of chairs and sofas on every floor creates an enticing atmosphere that no sane person could pass up.Â