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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

Name: Emily Halnon

Hometown: Kinderhook, NY 

Major: Childhood Education

Year: Sophomore


Haley: What movie would greatly improved if it was made into a musical?

Emily: Moana


H: If your five-year-old self suddenly found them self inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first?

E: “I’m literally my five-year-old self but older.”


H: What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?

E: Brushing their teeth. “like if you’re standing in the bathroom brushing your teeth at the same time…”


H: What is the sexiest and least sexy name?

E: Sexiest name— Romeo

Least sexy name— Gertrude 


H: What could you wear on your head that would make people stop what they are doing and stare in awe and amazement?

E: A monkey: cute and constant hug!


H: If you die and find out that everyone gets to choose a twelve-foot by twelve-foot square to stay in alone for eternity without being able to influence or contact the living world, what twelve-foot by twelve-foot square would you choose?

E: “It would be in a buffet by the food…I could get French fries, pancakes…all four meals.”


H: What’s the best type of cheese?

E: Mozzarella because it’s the best type of cheese. “Whole milk mozzarella…out of this world.”


