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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

This is happening, right now

By:Crystal Savage


Right now

In this moment

I’m so scared and stressed and 


How can this happen?


I should be safe.


A few hours



I’m stressed and pissed and ready to 



How is this allowed to happen?


I should be happy.




A long time ago, 

Or now it seems,

We were safe and inspired or maybe only merely


How is it that this continues to happen?


We were just that. 


For ages now,

Or maybe more

I’ve been fed up, sick and tired, but far from 


And believe me

I’ve been 



Beaten up, beaten down, but I will not go down

Down the stairs towards the shooter

Down the path of deceased resistance

Down the hall towards the interests of the most elite


Down the shoot that will surely shoot me


Not in the back, however, like any good cliche poem would do

But between the eyes, blowing a path straight through the common sense I had, but still willfully ignored

I will not go down with you, deeper into the pits of hell

Deeper into a despairing nation

Deeper into a backwards ideology and twisted ethics 

That haunts me still

I will not go

You *** ** * ***** ***** I SAID I WILL NOT GO


Right – now


Hey ladies! My name is Chrystal - I'm an English & General Human Ecology dual major at SUNY Oneonta! I love being involved in our community, both on campus and otherwise! I love writing - about any and everything; hanging out with friends; hitting around a volleyball; traveling (especially, the northeastern coast); and, more or less, playing interior designer on anyone that will let me! I look forward to writing articles that reach out to individuals of a variety of backgrounds, who are struggling with the same kind of issues in a diverse number of ways, while providing my perspective on the things that matter most to me. I'm excited to start my journey here as part of a sisterhood that empowers women in both their strength, as well as in their vulnerability.
Hey Everyone! My name is Melissa Viskoc and I'm a Junior here at SUNY Oneonta! I am an early childhood education major and I'm one of the Campus Correspondents for the Her Campus Oneonta chapter. I spend most of my time watching reality tv and just about every crime show there is! I hope you enjoy my articles !