Name: Kristen Guastella
Year: Senior
Major: Art and psychology
Nickname(s): Kgust, “Street”
Hometown: Delmar, New York
Hobbies: Playing rugby, photography, exercising, and cooking
Favorite Food: Pizza
Fun Fact: “I’m captain of the women’s rugby team here at Oneonta!”
Celebrity Crush: John Krasinski
HC: “So Kristen, what made you decide to play rugby?”
KG: “Well, I had always played softball growing up but I wanted change. Rugby sounded fun and difficult, and I love a challenge.”
HC: “What shows are you interested in right now?” KG: “Shameless, New Girl, and American Ninja Warrior. I like to have a wide range of shows based on the mood I’m in!”
HC: “If you were given the opportunity to pack up your bags and go somewhere right now, where would it be and why?”
KG: “Italy with my girlfriend! Definitely for the food and wine.” HC: “What is a quote you live by?”
KG: “‘Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.'”
HC: “What has been your favorite part about senior year so far?”
KG: “Hmm, the best part would have to be working hard for my future goals but also having as much fun as I can while living with my best friends.”
HC: “Do you have any plans for when you graduate in May?”
KG: “Definitely to get a job near or in the city for photography but save up money to eventually move there.”
HC: “What would be your best advice to give for underclassman at Oneonta?”
KG: “‘Work hard, play harder!’ J”
HC: “And lastly, what was your best accomplishment of 2016?”
KG: “Because of my photography internship this past summer with Westchester Magazine, I got the opportunity to have my photos published in multiple magazines, which I was really proud of!”
Get to know more about this week’s campus Campus Cutie on Instagram: @kgust1