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An Open Letter to My Day-One Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

My Dearest Sister,


To a girl who’s trying to find her place here in this world: never forget that I love you, that you are valuable, and that you are destined for great things. Life after high school can seem daunting, and many times I find myself still struggling. I wish, in many ways, that I could be more helpful to you and better understand the emotions you’re experiencing on a daily basis. Whether you end up where you thought you would today, tomorrow, twenty years from now, or in something so far removed you have the support of so many. Please never feel alone— I am always here, in whatever way you need me to be.


We have had so many of the absolute best memories. Since day one you have been my partner in crime, and more often than not probably the one who executed whatever plan we came up with. I have always admired the moments where you were most bold and careless— likely ironic sounding, but nonetheless true. I first learned what it meant to be fearless from you.


I hope you never feel that in someway you’re less than, or that there’s an expectation for you to do what I have done, because so much of the woman I am today is based on bits and pieces that I’ve learned from you and the other, imitating your strengths where I could.


You are so strong and so beautiful– inside and out. If I could give you one thing, as cliché and overplayed as it is, it would be to see yourself through my eyes. You have infinite potential. Let yourself fail because at the end of the day, when you learn from such experiences, you haven’t lost anything at all; you’ve gained knowledge and experience and even today you possess far more than you know.


It’s not selfish to acknowledge your accomplishments or the role of your strengths in such achievements, and even if it is be selfish for yourself. Furthermore, acknowledging your points of weakness or reminding yourself of a lesson you learned in adversity is not the same thing as admitting defeat.


I am so proud of you and I know that you have such great potential. You will do great things, even if today you’re not sure such a prophecy might yield. And let it change and be fluid, allow yourself moments of growth, through both your failures and your successes.


Let yourself be open and honest and I have no doubts you will not only achieve everything you hoped and a bit more, but you will feel totally at peace with it. “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves” (William Shakespeare). So, try to find some peace now in the journey, despite the uncertainty. This is just another phase of your life, and if nothing else, fearlessly cherish it.


I love you very much, and will throughout it all💓💗💖


Much love always, deine kleine Schwester,


Hey ladies! My name is Chrystal - I'm an English & General Human Ecology dual major at SUNY Oneonta! I love being involved in our community, both on campus and otherwise! I love writing - about any and everything; hanging out with friends; hitting around a volleyball; traveling (especially, the northeastern coast); and, more or less, playing interior designer on anyone that will let me! I look forward to writing articles that reach out to individuals of a variety of backgrounds, who are struggling with the same kind of issues in a diverse number of ways, while providing my perspective on the things that matter most to me. I'm excited to start my journey here as part of a sisterhood that empowers women in both their strength, as well as in their vulnerability.