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Part Time Biologist, Full Time Pizza Lover: Michaela McBride

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

Name: Michaela McBride

Year: Junior

Hometown: Goshen, New York

Major: Biology

Fun Fact: I can’t wink, raise one eyebrow, wiggle my ears, or do anything cool.

Some of Michaela’s Favorites…

Celebrity Crush: Carrie Underwood


Animal: Monkeys

Song: Probably “Love Like Crazy” by Lee Brice

Quote: “Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day”

Movie: Finding Nemo

HC: What are some of the clubs/organizations that you are a part of at Oneonta? What’s your favorite?

MM: I am on the Oneonta State Emergency Squad (OSES) and work for Admissions as a tour guide. I really enjoy being on OSES because I’m learning about patients and treatments and learning a lot about the field that I want to work in. I also really like tour guiding because I get to brag about how fun our school is and help seniors decide what kind of school they want to go to.

HC: What is your favorite thing about Oneonta?

MM: I love how beautiful our campus is, especially in the fall. I also love that we’re surrounded by pizza places. That’s really important to me.

HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

MM: I’d definitely take the next plane to some private island and just lay on the beach for a week straight. With finals going on, a good beach day, a good book, and a Corona sound amazing.

HC: What does your “perfect” day look like?

MM: The perfect day for me would include something outdoors on a sunny day. I love hiking and exploring new places (even though I usually get lost). I could really go for a day of listening to music on the top of a mountain with my friends and staring at a gorgeous view.  

HC: If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be and why?

MM: If I could, I would bring Cristina Yang from Grey’s Anatomy to life. I really admire her because she tells her friends when they’re being too nice, or too sensitive, or too stupid whether they want to hear it or not. I think she would be good to have around to keep me in check. She is also hysterical so she would be good to have for a laugh when I need it.

HC: What words of wisdom would you pass on to your childhood self?

MM: I would probably tell myself not to sweat the small stuff. The toy I lost in kindergarten or the friend that lied to me in middle school mean nothing to me now. I definitely spent too much time getting caught up in that kind of stuff in the past.

Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Walker, and I am a junior at SUNY Oneonta studying Communications with a minor in Business Communications. "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Hey everyone! My name is Callan Fridgen, and I'm a junior at Oneonta State studying Communications with a minor in Public Relations. Find me on Instagram @callanfridgen