Name: Michaela McBride
Year: Junior
Hometown: Goshen, New York
Major: Biology
Fun Fact: I can’t wink, raise one eyebrow, wiggle my ears, or do anything cool.
Some of Michaela’s Favorites…
Celebrity Crush: Carrie Underwood
Animal: Monkeys
Song: Probably “Love Like Crazy” by Lee Brice
Quote: “Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day”
Movie: Finding Nemo
HC: What are some of the clubs/organizations that you are a part of at Oneonta? What’s your favorite?
MM: I am on the Oneonta State Emergency Squad (OSES) and work for Admissions as a tour guide. I really enjoy being on OSES because I’m learning about patients and treatments and learning a lot about the field that I want to work in. I also really like tour guiding because I get to brag about how fun our school is and help seniors decide what kind of school they want to go to.
HC: What is your favorite thing about Oneonta?
MM: I love how beautiful our campus is, especially in the fall. I also love that we’re surrounded by pizza places. That’s really important to me.
HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
MM: I’d definitely take the next plane to some private island and just lay on the beach for a week straight. With finals going on, a good beach day, a good book, and a Corona sound amazing.
HC: What does your “perfect” day look like?
MM: The perfect day for me would include something outdoors on a sunny day. I love hiking and exploring new places (even though I usually get lost). I could really go for a day of listening to music on the top of a mountain with my friends and staring at a gorgeous view.
HC: If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be and why?
MM: If I could, I would bring Cristina Yang from Grey’s Anatomy to life. I really admire her because she tells her friends when they’re being too nice, or too sensitive, or too stupid whether they want to hear it or not. I think she would be good to have around to keep me in check. She is also hysterical so she would be good to have for a laugh when I need it.
HC: What words of wisdom would you pass on to your childhood self?
MM: I would probably tell myself not to sweat the small stuff. The toy I lost in kindergarten or the friend that lied to me in middle school mean nothing to me now. I definitely spent too much time getting caught up in that kind of stuff in the past.