Name: Jordan Clausen
Year: Senior
Major/Minor: Merchandising Management
Hometown: Salem, OR
Relationship Status: Engaged
This week’s Campus Cutie is the one and only Jordan Clausen! Read on to learn more about her fabulous and fashionable life.
HC at Oregon State: What is your favorite spot to study at on campus?
Jordan: I wouldn’t call it my favorite spot, but the library is definitely where I get the most stuff done! Much fewer distractions. If I study at home, Netflix is always calling my name.
HC at Oregon State: What are you involved with on campus?
Jordan: Currently, I’m a part of a local, unhoused sorority, Chi Theta Phi. It’s been such a fun experience to get to know other girls, most of which are in the same classes as you! I’ve definitely gained many friendships through that. I’m also a part of DAMchic Magazine, which is the fashion and lifestyle magazine created by Oregon State students. This year, I’m the Fashion Market and Accessories Director, so it is my job to work with local businesses and the editors to get clothing for the photo shoots. That has been an amazing experience and one I would recommend to anyone interested in fashion, journalism, photography, etc.
HC at Oregon State: Are you more of a coffee or tea drinker?
Jordan: During winter, both! Coffee to wake me up and tea to get me through the rest of the day!
HC at Oregon State: What is your favorite piece of clothing you own?
Jordan: Um, is everything an option? I am a bit of a shopaholic and I love my closet. If I had to choose though, lately my favorite piece has been my black wool coat. It’s fitted really well and is so warm! It sure helps when I’m walking to my 8 a.m. classes and it’s 27 degrees outside!
HC at Oregon State: What will you miss most about campus after graduating?
Jordan: I think I’ll mostly miss the social aspect! Just having so many people around you, close to your age and all the friends I’ve made through my sorority and DAMchic — it will be sad when they are not all within a few blocks of me.
HC at Oregon State: What would be your dream date night if you had unlimited money and options?
Jordan: Oh, I could think of a million things. I think at the top of my list would be a date in Paris at the Eiffel Tower. It’s probably cliche but I don’t care. I would also, however, love to have a date night on the beach in Okinawa, Japan. My fiance shows me pictures of all the summers he spent there with his family and I know we would both like to go together.
HC at Oregon State: What are you most excited for after graduation?
Jordan: First, not having to worry about school and homework anymore. I can’t wait to just work. Second, I’m getting married about two weeks after graduating, so I’m pretty excited about that!
Say hi to Jordan on campus and stay tuned for next week’s campus cutie!