Name: Halie Breanne Sutton
Hometown: Gilroy, CA (1995-2005); Yuma, AZ (2005-2013); and now at Oregon State University
Year in School: Junior
Major: Digital Communication of Arts, specialty in Production with a Photography Minor
HC at Oregon State: What all are you involved with on campus?
Halie: I am currently involved with Beaver’s Digest Magazine as the Editor-in-Chief and DAMchic Magazine as a photographer.
HC at Oregon State: How did you become EIC of Beaver’s Digest?
Halie: It all began in the summer of 2014 when I received an email from my advisor stating that a new magazine was being produced and they needed people on staff. This was before Beaver’s Digest (BD) even had a name or a complete concept. I excitedly joined staff immediately as a volunteer photographer, mainly shooting football games and student life events. Once Fall Term of 2014 had come to an end, BD opened a paid position as Graphic Design Director starting the following term. I decided to apply even though my only experience was with working with Yearbook design in high school. Little did I know, that was enough to land me the job. I maintained that position for Winter Term 2015 and Spring Term 2015 until the position of Editor-in-Chief opened for the following year. I had been shadowing Jodie Davaz, the past editor, learning everything she knew in hopes that would help get me the EIC job – and it did. With my passion and excitement for BD, I was able to work my way up to being EIC.
HC at Oregon State: What’s your favorite part of the NMC program?
Halie:Â I would say my favorite part of the program would be the hands-on experience that comes with it. Being able to learn how to use professional equipment and having connections with Orange Media Network opens a lot of doors for jobs, along with adding to your resume.
HC at Oregon State: What has been you favorite college moment thus far?
Halie: Aside from my awesome job, I would have to say living in the dorms freshman year. I encourage everyone to live in the dorms their first year here because that’s when you make the most friends. The friends I made living in the dorms are still my friends today. Even though we don’t see each other everyday across the hall anymore, when we do get the chance to grab coffee it’s like we pick up right where we left off three years later.
HC at Oregon State: Any advice for those trying to get involved in media on campus?
Halie: My best advice is to come to Student Experience Center on the 4th floor and tell us you would like to be part of Orange Media Network (OMN). OMN has room for everyone in any major with a passion and a goal to be a more experienced college student.
HC at Oregon State: What are you planning on doing after graduation?
Halie: Since I still have another year left of school, I am hoping to continue making connections and producing a great magazine so I can leave OSU with a great job in the creative field or as a photographer with another publication. Secret to be told, my ultimate dream job is to be a creative director or photographer for Cosmopolitan Magazine or any of the Hearst Company publications.
HC at Oregon State: Aside from campus-related stuff, what do you like to do?
Halie: Aside from campus-related stuff, I like to cook and explore Oregon with my camera and my Jeep.
Give it up for Halie, and check back next week for another amazing Campus Profile!