Winter term is always difficult. You’ve already survived one term and yet you don’t know if you can get through another round of midterms and finals. You’ve lived in a world of sugar cookies, family time, holiday adventures, and lots of Netflix the past couple of weeks and you’re not quite sure you’re ready to go  back to classes. You miss your friends of course but not the stress that comes with classes and other commitments. I’ve got a few ways you can stay motivated this term without skipping classes and taking a day off, like our favorite rebel, Ferris Bueller.
1. Build small breaks into your day.
Whether it’s a chance to take a long shower, watch some TV, do some yoga, or read a book make sure you give yourself a break or two. You can only do so much in a day. Take some time to slow down and focus on you for a little bit by doing something that relaxes you.
2. Set goals
Don’t just set broad goals. Set goals that you can break into small and realistic steps. For example, instead of just saying I want to meet more new people you should say I want to meet more new people by joining a sorority on campus, an academic organization, or sports team. Then work towards that goal by going to try-outs, attending recruitment events, going to information sessions and reaching out to people in your classes.
3. Treat yourself
It is always very important to treat yourself. Now this doesn’t necessarily mean skipping all of your classes. It could mean planning a weekend beach trip with your roomies, getting your favorite coffee drink at Dutch Bros, going to a local concert, or even something as simple as buying a new shirt that makes you feel great! Whatever you can do time and money-wise to treat yourself you should do it!
4. Keep your study space organized
If your desk is covered in magazines, old receipts, coupons, and random knick knacks while you try to focus on finishing your assignments, good luck! Your brain will be focusing on all those other things and you’ll procrastinate by fiddling with them. So, take the time to make sure your study space is relatively tidy. It doesn’t have to be completely spick and span but clear the space you need and organize files, study materials, and papers that you’ll need throughout the term.
5. Have a friend, fitness partner, tutor, or study group to keep you accountable
Whether you have goals to work out more, become a better student, or eat healthier, it really does help to have someone by your side who can relate. This can’t be someone who will easily let you cancel on that morning run or just not come to a study session. This person should be someone you know will definitely hold you accountable to your goals and not take no for an answer.
6. Don’t stand for negativity
If there are people in your life that sap the energy from you and are constantly doing things you don’t like or that make you uncomfortable, this is the term to give them the boot. You don’t have to tell them off or have a big fight, just phase them out of your life if possible. Don’t go out of your way to hang out with them and eventually they’ll get the hint. If they are someone like a family member or close friend who you want to keep in your life, despite their recent bad behavior, then you need to talk to them. Be very honest that you love and respect them but you don’t like when they participate in a particular activity or have a certain attitude towards others.
7. Visit Counseling & Psychological Services on campus and utilize their many resources
CAPS is open to students, staff, and community members and offers many resources including the Mind Spa, mental health resources, Â the relaxation corner, group therapy, and general counseling services. They are there to help to you destress, unwind, and of course recover from the bad case of Seasonal Affective Disorder you always seem to get this time of year.