Dear Bed,
I’m writing to let you know how much I love you and hate to leave you every morning. You are my support system, my pillow case to cry on, my place to watch Netflix, and my favorite spot to get some shut eye. I’m so sorry we’ve been parted for so long this term but you know I’m keeping busy. Between midterms, far too many credits, clubs, and my sorority it’s hard to find a time to nap let alone sleep. I also miss cuddling with you and my chihuahua and staying warm, eating popcorn destined to live between the wall and you, and all the pillows you somehow keep.
Do you remember Kindergarten when I took you for granted? I always refused to sleep on you at nap time and drew instead. I regret that now and I just want to say that I wish I could have those nap times back. Bed, I need you now more than ever. I need you to recharge, regroup, and reimagine my future. I need your soft blankets, warm comforter, and the small little lamp by you to stay up reading for no reason. No longer will I stay up until 2 or 3 am because with all my 8 am classes I need you earlier than before. We’ll meet again every night at least by 12, I promise. We will be together again because even though I love coffee, it can only do so much. Finals week is coming up and we may be parted often but I’ll never pull an all-nighter on you. I’ll always be back for an hour or two at least and be missing you all day long.
One last thing, I just wanted to let you know I’ll be taking you with me to wherever life after graduation takes me. You’re twin-sized and don’t fit quite as many pillows as my childhood bed but we’ve gone through too much for me to give up on you. You’ve had clothes piled on you, blankets tangled, and tears shed but you’ve made it through it all and are still standing. Thanks for being there no matter what and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you and those comfy onesie pajamas.
Madeline Frisk