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Sleep Through Your Alarm This Morning? No Problem!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

It’s probably happened to all of us at least once. When you wake up thinking about how well-rested you feel, and then all of a sudden you realize that you’ve slept through your alarm and you have to rush out the door to make it to class on time. Here are some tips that can help you out when life gives you lemons!

Prep yourself the night before.

Every night before I get into bed, I like to pick out the outfit I plan on wearing the next day. I’ll get everything I need for the outfit and lay it out on my dresser so I don’t have to think about what to wear when I’m tired in the morning. I also like to pack my backpack before bed. Even though this only takes a couple minutes, I always find myself rushing around in the morning trying to get everything into my backpack without forgetting something. Lastly, if I know I’m going to be gone all day, I like to think of the foods I’m going to want to eat throughout the day and gather them all together. This is probably where I save the most time. It’s so much easier to only make a couple things for lunch in the morning, rather than getting crackers and cutting up fruit and putting them into baggies, and making sandwiches, smoothies, or whatever else you may want to eat.


If you’re like me it’s hard to leave the house with a bare face, so even if I’m in a rush I know makeup is still a priority to getting out the door. When I’m in a rush, however, I can’t do all of my makeup. Instead, I reach for only a couple of products that I can’t go without. For me personally, I always like to have foundation, mascara, blush, brows and lip color. Know what your “can’t go without” products are – this will make rushing in the morning a little easier. Also, a tip I learned was that if you put color on your lips, it draws more attention to your lips rather than your eyes, which can be helpful for those tired mornings. If you do go for a colored lip, try to stray from a color that takes time to put on such as a deep red; this can consume too much precious time.                                                    


I always struggle with hair, even on a “good” hair day. That means that if I’m late and rushing out the door with no time to fix my hair, it’s going up in a ponytail or I’m putting a headband on. If you want to make it seem like you’ve done a little more with your hair than just putting it up, add a bow!


I am known to be the queen of breakfast. I can’t go a morning without breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you can’t rush out the door without some food! For those times that you’re rushing out the door, you’ll want to make sure you have quick and easy foods on hand so you can easily grab and go. Some foods that I like to have around are fruits such as an apple or banana, peanut butter toast, protein bars, or you can quickly make a protein shake. These are perfect foods that you can make or grab quickly and that you can eat on the go or while you’re in class.

Rushing around in the morning is never fun, but it happens to all of us. Sometimes it’s worth the extra effort in the evenings to get ourselves ready for the next day, just in case we do wind up sleeping through our alarms!