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10 Ways To Keep That Motivation Flowin’ During Midterms Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Staying motivated when you know you have an important midterm coming up can be quite the challenge, especially when the weather is nice and when you are busy with other things in life. It may seem daunting and overwhelming when you think about how many hours you have to spend going over the same material, but there are ways to cope and get things done to stay on track.


1. DO NOT wait until the last minute to study.

Some people do this and hope for the best, but in my opinion this is one of the worst things you can do. Yes, it is hard to get started, but once you make it past that point you’re on a roll and ready to grind.

2. Commit a few hours a day.

You do not need to study the entire day. Just tell yourself to devote a few hours each day and then you won’t feel like you just wasted a perfectly sunny day stuck at a desk in the back of the library.

3. Give yourself breaks here and there.

While I am studying, I tell myself the next time I can take a break is within the next hour so then I have something to look forward to. Even if it’s just to go get a snack or get some fresh air, it really can help break up tedious studying time.

4. Go for a run or to the gym for a quick break, then get right back to it.

Exercise is the perfect way to de-stress and clear your head after a long day of studying. You can take all your frustrations out and focus on that hour of “me time.”

5. Get enough sleep.

I know this seems like an obvious one, but sleep really does impact every aspect of your mental and physical life. If you were up all night and are preparing to take your test with no sleep under your belt, then you will struggle hard. Little sleep will not let your brain function properly and you will end up forgetting what you studied all night long.

6. Have study sessions with friends even if they are not in the same class as you.

I love studying with friends who are either in the same class with me or not because it’s an excellent motivator for you to get work done. If you are around the right people, the studying will rub off on each other and you can surprisingly get a lot accomplished.

7. Don’t over study to the point of exhaustion.

Over studying is easy to do, especially when you are studying last minute. If you feel like you have worked for hours and still cannot remember anything, then slow down and take a break because your body needs it.

8. Take time for yourself to do something fun.

This one is so important because sometimes we forget to go out and do something for ourselves during a test week. It’s okay to go to dinner with friends or do something exciting with your roommate because you can’t spend 24 hours a day cooped up in the library.

9. Have a positive mindset.

If you go into the exam thinking negative thoughts, you won’t perform as well. Take deep breaths and give yourself a little boost. You worked hard to study all week and that in itself is an achievement.

10. Stop studying 1-2 hours before your exam.

If you are scanning over your notes as the teacher passes around the exam sheet, you most likely will forget what you just read for the past hour. It will also make you more nervous because you think you forgot to study something or you forgot a certain definition. Give yourself that 1-2 hours to clear your mind and set yourself up for success.




Hi! I'm Hailey. I am a senior at the Unviersity of Oregon studying Advertising. I am a workout nut and a Certified Personal Trainer at our campus REC center. In my free time you can find me outside, either hiking, biking or exercising. I am also completley obsessed with the fashion industry and will hopefully be going into Fashion Merchandising and Marketing in the near future. 
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