Being happy is something that each person experiences differently. But no matter who you are, happiness comes from being in a certain state of mind. I am definitely a happy person; I smile at everything, I laugh way too much, and I like to wake up every morning with the belief that something wonderful is going to happen that day. But this isn’t how I’ve always been. In fact, I spent the better part of my high school years being that cynical angry girl. Somewhere inside of me, that girl is still there full of insecurities and doubt, but I don’t listen to anything she has to say. I made a decision to change my mindset about life, which quieted that irate attitude and replaced it with an optimistic and bright one that I am proud of. Because of this transformation, I have come to realize that happiness is a choice. Whether you are feeling down from a recent life upset, or just having a lousy day, there are ways to lift your spirits. I want to share with you how I was able to change my life for the better. Get ready girls, it’s about to get deep over here!
Don’t be afraid of change
The unknown is scary. We don’t know what awaits us if we choose to do something that deviates from the norm. You might ask why take a risk in the first place? Maybe you’re comfortable and don’t feel the need to step out of the life you know. Or maybe creating a different situation for yourself seems like too much work. These are the ways of thinking that will get you stuck. And trust me, stuck is not a place you want to be. Sometimes making a change is the only way to make an impact on your life. Instead of asking yourself what could go wrong by taking a chance, ask yourself what could go right. Before you can make your life better, you have to be willing to let it happen. So go ahead, do something crazy. You’ll be amazed with what you are able to to handle.
Look how you wish to feel
Have you ever heard the saying, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”? Well, take that same idea and apply it to your attitude about life. If you wake up feeling not so ready to face the day, and just throw on some sweats and a raggedy t-shirt, then you aren’t really doing anything for yourself except for justifying how you feel with how you look. This isn’t to say I don’t appreciate a comfort day – I do. However, I have found that when I look put together, I feel good. Next time you need an extra boost, put on your favorite outfit and take those extra ten minutes prepping yourself for the day. Don’t stop there though. Looking good isn’t just about what you wear or how cute your hair might be. Listen to a song on your way to class that makes you smile and puts a spring in your step. If your body emanates happiness, your attitude eventually will too.
Stop acting your age
Remember when you were younger and you used to lock yourself in your room and pretend you were Britney Spears? I only have one question for you: why did you ever stop? As people get older they tend to lose that silly part of themselves. Yes, college is serious. For most of us, it’s defining who, what, and where we are going to be for the rest of our lives. It takes work and dedication. But all of the stress college students experience sometimes makes for overly serious demeanors that make life less fun than it should be. I don’t know about you, but I think being serious all the time is boring. So snap out of it! Take twenty minutes to have a ridiculous dance party with yourself. Greet your friend by tackling her in the middle of campus. You can’t be afraid or embarrassed to let go and do something weird or “immature,” because it is those things that create the best moments.
People have a hard time saying no. Whether it’s joining one more club because your friend asked you to, or catching up with an ex you’d just rather not see, chances are you’ve said yes to something you didn’t want to. For some reason, people feel rude declining others. Well guess what? It doesn’t make you a bad person and it doesn’t make you a flake. While it’s important to show compassion and respect to others, it’s equally as important to live your life in a way that makes you happy. I’m not saying you should make excuses, but I think that it’s very healthy to take a look at your life, realize what brings you down, and stop doing it. It is our passion for what we do in life that makes it full, not how much you make yourself cram into it just because you feel obligated.
Spread positivity
Think positive. I know you’ve heard it before. Leading a positive life is something that most of us were taught to do in our childhood. But how do you do that effectively? Sure, if you have a tough week you can think, “This will all be okay,” but in reality, you might not believe that. Next time you just can’t handle life anymore, go out and be annoyingly happy. Knowing you are bringing a positive vibe into the world can really boost your spirits. I have a personal goal of making at least one stranger laugh every day. It sounds weird, but it totally makes my day knowing that I was able to put a smile on a random person’s face. You get back what you put out into the world. If you find yourself wanting to complain about something, don’t. It will only spark negative conversation. Instead, let your friend know how much she means to you, or tell that cute cashier your favorite joke. I can guarantee you the feeling you get will be one you will want to keep chasing.