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7 Easy Ways to Style Your Hair Differently

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

I knew I was getting lazy with my hairstyles (aka, throwing my hair up in a ponytail 24/7) when I wore my hair down the other day and somebody I see almost every day exclaimed, “Whoa! When did you get bangs?”…I’ve had bangs since seventh grade. Needless to say, it’s easy to get stuck in a hairstyle rut. When my hair’s natural curls start to frizz-ify, I throw them up in a messy bun and forget about them, mostly because everything else seems too hard or inconvenient. But, after doing some research, it turns out there are some cute hairstyles that are quick, adorable, and just as easy to do as throwing your hair up into that messy bun because you don’t know what else to do with it.


Add a cute bow or headband to mix up your look.


Fishtail braids are as easy to do as normal braids, but look way more sophisticated. Here’s a great video tutorial.

Braid your bangs back

When your bangs are having a bad day, all of your hair is having a bad day. This is a great way to take back your good hair day by hiding your bad hair.


Straighten your curly hair (or curl your straight hair!)

It’s easy to get stuck straightening your hair every day, or throwing in a few curls and calling it good. There’s nothing wrong with either of those ideas…unless you do them every single day. Mix it up a little and do something you don’t normally do.

Wear your hair half-up

Whether it’s loose and messy, poofed, or teased, it’s easy to do and looks fantastic.

Tease your pony

Adding some volume to your classic ponytail is an easy way to add some interest (and inches!).

Mix up your part

I love center parts, especially with 60’s-esque outfits and lots of eyeliner. Change up your normal side part, whether it’s to the other side or the middle, and be surprised by how different it makes your face look.

Rebecca is a senior at the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. She is currently studying photography and magazine journalism. Hailing from the mountain town of Bend, Oregon, Rebecca values being outdoors, staying active, and the beauty in simple things. She loves seeing what other people are exploring in their fashion and finding new trends. Rebecca is a lover of all things creative, spontaneous, stylish, and interesting.