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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Name: Andrei Blaskowsky

Year/Major: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Hometown: Portland, OR


If you were to design a music festival, where would it be and who are the headliners?

Assuming I’d get clearance, I’d have a music festival in North Korea. Danny Brown, Teebs, Flying Lotus, Yung Lean, EPROM, and Migos. For people to attend, they’d have to do a shot of Hennessy with Kim Jong-un.


What’s one of the art pieces you’re most proud of?

I’m most proud of my work ethic when it comes toward finishing a project and busting it out. I worked on a welded steel sculpture which was an incredibly long, labor intensive process.


Who’s an artist you’d like to collaborate with and why?

I’d love to collaborate with John Ballizari. He’s really straight forward in his work and knows how to make something interesting. From top to bottom, he’s sincerely humorous.

Where’s your favorite hangout spot in Eugene?

Kesey Square. It’s the best spot to people watch and eat a slice from Sizzle Pie.


Which ice cream flavor describes your personality the most?

A combo swirl of mint chocolate and regular chocolate. Overall, I’m indecisive and those are my favorite flavors. I want to have my cake and eat it too.

Are you a ghost? If not, where would you want to haunt people and what would your back story be?

No, I’m not a ghost. However, I would haunt the LAX TSA people. Basically I’d try and mess with them as much as possible and make their jobs unnecessarily difficult. Every time I’m there I’m always selected for a random check and I’m totally sick of it.


What’s your favorite thing to cry about?

The fact that I like Yung Lean.


What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?

Ken Bone (5 ever)





Elissa is a sophomore studying Arts Management at the University of Oregon. In addition to being senior editor of Her Campus Oregon, she is recruitment coordinator and campaign co-director for Climate Justice League, a member of Music Industry Collective, and works as a barista. When she's not hiking or watching documentaries, she's creating collages and dope Spotify playlists. In the future she hopes to travel the world and work for a major music festival. 
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