With the term winding down, I’ve been looking for ways to relax and reboot before I start my summer classes. The other day, I remembered being a little kid and making scrubs and face masks out of random household items. So what did I do but search through my trusty Pinterest boards for some fun easy DIY spa treatments.
This easy list popped up and I saw a few ideas that seemed fairly simple so I planned my spa day for the middle of the week and waited until I could finally relive my childhood and relax. First I started with a body exfoliating scrub. I bake a lot so there was a ton of brown sugar in my cabinets and I had recently run out of cereal so I was looking for a way to get rid of my milk. Let me tell you, this felt great and although I was a little skeptical at first it wasn’t as gross as I thought. I just combined a 1/4 cup of brown sugar and a cup of milk and then rubbed it on my legs. They felt soft for about a week and it was so easy to do that I tried it again on my arms the next day.
I then tried the olive oil hair treatment. The last time I tried to do this I used a coconut oil and it was stuck in my hair for almost two days! I had to use dish soap to get it out. I was overly cautious but I rubbed just enough in to get my hair decently soaked. I let it sit for about and hour while I read The Hunger Games (my guilty pleasure) and then I went to wash it out. I definitely had to use some soap to get it out, maybe my hair is just attracted to grease, but it did feel great afterwards! It was soft for about three days and even my friends said it looked shinier.
The next one I tried was the relaxing bath. I had rosemary water and I splurged for the coconut milk, which was really not that expensive. I put 1/4 cup of the rosemary water and a 1/4 cup of coconut milk into the tub and let the warm water create a great relaxing smell.
The last thing I tried was the green tea and water as a toner. It felt really nice and I think I would definitely use it again. I’m not a huge fan of toners but it was still fun to use. My roommate tried this one and she said she might actually make her own batch.
Overall my spa day was great! My roommate walked in while I was doing the body scrub and even she wanted to join in. This would be something fun to do with your roommates, friends, sibling, and maybe even your mom. Take a look at my Her Campus Pinterest board where I will keep an updated list of the things I have been working on!
Photo courtesy: Gaylord Hotels