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Kelsey’s 4-Week Paleo Diet Challenge: Week 1

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Ever since I developed chewing skills, carbs have always been my favorite food group. Whether it was the toast I would have for breakfast (and at least two other times during the day), or the Snickers bar that incessantly called my name every time I went to the grocery store, I never saw a problem with munching away on my sugary deliciousness.

That is, until I started researching the Paleolithic diet (“Paleo” for short), the diet my gym endorses. This diet is my worst nightmare — no dairy, no gluten, no legumes, no sugar, no anything that my tastebuds used to enjoy. Including bread. I do love a challenge though, and I’m curious to see how changing my diet could change me, so for the next month, I will be trying this dietary torture device.

The logic behind the Paleo diet is that humans have been around for a really long time, foraging for nuts and berries and hunting animals. However, the processes that have enabled us to eat grains and drink milk from domesticated cows have only been around for about ten thousand years, which hasn’t given our bodies enough time to adapt to these strange new things we keep putting in our bodies, especially with chemically filled food items like food coloring and hydrogenated fats. The Paleo diet takes us back to the basics.

It also has incredible health benefits. It’s high in healthy fats and protein, and it aims to cut out all foods that are dense in carbs. These benefits lead to a reduction of fluctuating blood sugar and energy levels. For the little time I’ve been eating this way, I’ve noticed that my energy levels stay more constant throughout the day, and that I have more overall energy. No more falling asleep in my 2 p.m. class! Plus, even though I have more energy, I’m almost never hungry. And, obviously the most important part, my thighs aren’t touching, even though I haven’t stepped on an elliptical once this week! I could get used to this.

Eating this way seems like it would have narrowed my food choices, but it’s actually added a whole new spectrum of nutritious foods. Now that I’m essentially required to eat vegetables, I’ve found creative ways to mix and match them with other foods to make them especially delicious. One thing I have mixed feelings about is that I have to cook a lot. I love it, because it’s made me realize how much I love cooking and it’s opened my eyes to a gazillion new delicious recipes; on the flip side, when I’m starving, I have to take the time to prepare something instead of putting bread in a toaster. Not to mention the dishes.

(Click here for a yummy recipe perfect for Paleo dieters!)

Despite all of the health benefits, it’s hard to stay away from all of the tasty things I once loved. I can no longer order my beloved caramel macchiatos, and all late-night hangover prevention food goes out the window (R.I.P. Dough Co.). Walking by anything that smells mildly fried or grease-coated or even just Subway of all things makes me want to cram my face with foods that are definitely not allowed in my diet.

Overall, I’d say my newfound love of cooking and lack of inner thigh-touchage more than outweigh the inconvenience and temptation everywhere I go — and hopefully that’s a trend that will follow in the future.

One week down, three to go… keep reading my blog to see how my challenge turns out!

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Serena Piper will always be a Southern belle at heart, but for now she is a Senior Magazine Journalism student at the University of Oregon. She is an avid news reader and watcher, loves to bake yummy desserts and watch Sex and the City reruns, has big travel plans for after graduation and would eventually like to work for National Geographic. She wouldn't mind one bit if her life echoed Elizabeth Gilbert's in Eat, Pray, Love. To find out what Serena is up to, check out her blog and follow her on Twitter