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Stay Classy In College // Etiquiete 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

“A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous” –Coco Chanel

As Coco Chanel beautifully quotes, every girl should have class. But what exactly does this mean? Merriam Webster defines Classy as: “1. Having qualities that make someone stylish and sophisticated. 2. Showing impressive character, very good, kind, etc.”

Sometimes while watching girls sneakily sucking cheese dust off their fingers while studying in the EMU, rudely talking during a lecture, or slouching with you elbows on the table during a dinner date I wonder, when did etiquette and class get thrown out the window?

I’m not talking about the proper ‘pinkies up’ strict old-school etiquette (although this article by The Week on 19th century conversation etiquette is hilarious), but rather just common ‘duh’ moments. As collegiettes our lives are extremely busy, so whether trying to impress that boy or wanting to present yourself professionally to an employer, here are some easy tips on becoming a “Classy Collegiette”.

Social Media Etiquette

There are so many social media platforms in today’s world; Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, the list goes on and on. Sometimes we don’t realize that what we put on the Internet will stay on there forever – literally forever. Although there are specific privacy settings, what you choose to share with the world should not be taken lightly. A main reason is future employers. Although not every future employer looks up potential employees tweets or profile pictures, it is good judgment to never post any illegal activity, drugs or alcohol, and skimpy/scandalous clothing choices. By putting your best social media image forward you are exuding class.

Dress Appropriately

Today there are so many different forms of style. I think the best way to stay classy with fashion is to dress what makes you feel most comfortable, but also respect the specific occasion. A nicer restaurant would most likely require more than your yoga pants and Uggs, and Econ 201 is probably not the best time to wear that plunging skin tight dress you just bought from Nasty Gal.

Also what you wear and how you appear says a lot about you. If trying to put your best foot forward, putting in a little extra effort into your morning routine and not looking like you rolled out of bed will do yourself justice. Putting effort into your outfit/clothing/hair will not only bring you extra confidence but show the world that you care enough about yourself to present yourself appropriately.


Honestly most of us have nothing to complain about in life. We are attending a great university (Go Ducks!) and a majority of us live a healthy happy lifestyle. Sometimes we forget the big picture and focus on the little things. Complaining about that bad grade (a little thing) or being constantly negative, will not get you anywhere in life. Being positive and not complaining is an easy way to incorporate class into your lifestyle

Common Sense Manners

Proper manners and everyday etiquette skills are very important. This includes but is not limited to being respectful of others, always being polite, curteous and understanding to your peers. Doing the little things like saying ‘thank you’ or being a great listener and not monopolizing a conversation is always appreciated and will take you far in life.

Classroom Class

As mentioned previously, loudly disrupting class by talking or even searching Facebook with people behind you is an interruption and distraction to your fellow peers. Classes are not cheap, so taking away someone’s time who wants to be there and learn is just rude. Be respectful to the professor and your classmates. Also voicing your particular political views or religion (unless that is the topic) is also not appreciated.

Stay Classy Eugene!

Rachel is a Junior at the University of Oregon studying Journalism, Advertising, and English. She is on the writing team for HCO. She aspires to become an editor of a fashion magazine, a food writer, or creative strategist at an advertising firm. Rachel has always loved the freedom of writing and loves all things creative, makeup, fashion, food and Art History. When not studying for school, she enjoys the beach, traveling, dancing, and eating Nutella.
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