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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

As we approach the end of the semester, everyone is feeling the pressure of exams and the stress is here. Since returning to school from summer break, I definitely feel the seasonal depression approaching. Mental health is something I have always been super passionate about, and school has been a huge indicator of my stress. I hope I can be a guide and mentor to those who want to be a better version of themselves. Here’s some personal tips on how I manage my mental health and stress in college.

1. Prioritize yourself

Self-care is so incredibly important when maintaining one’s well-being. The little things are what help me the most. Being kind to yourself and taking time out of your day to focus on you, your wants and your needs is something we all tend to not prioritize and overlook. Know that it’s okay to pamper yourself. Buy that sweet treat. Get that cute shirt you’ve been wanting to purchase. These little things will help you feel so much better and can contribute to your overall self-confidence and happiness. 

2. Learn time management skills

Buying a planner has been the best thing I have done. Planning out my day and tracking my assignments and exams has been so helpful. While this helps limit procrastination, which I am a huge victim to, it can also reduce stress. At this point in the semester, we are all super stressed and overwhelmed. Learning time management skills will help you prioritize the important tasks and get you into a routine.

3. Journaling

Writing down your thoughts, goals and emotions is such a powerful tool when guiding your mental health journey. By journaling, this provides a safe space for you to express your feelings in a private way. This allows you to get everything out in a healthy manner. Writing everything down allows you to reflect on your day and release your emotions and feelings to create a new mindset for yourself. 

4. Say positive affirmations 

Positive affirmations are words or phrases you say to yourself. The objective behind these is to surround yourself with positivity and encouraging statements. I keep sticky notes on my mirror to promote self-confidence and to remind myself to keep a positive mindset. Saying them out loud in the mirror and reading them everyday is a great reminder for myself.

Here’s some I have on my mirror right now:  

  • I am loved.
  • I am capable.
  • My emotions do not control me.

I change them depending on my experiences and what is happening at that time, but regardless, they are super important things to remember and to remind yourself of.

Times Square New York New Year\'s resolutions
Original photo by Aislin Daugherty

5. Surround yourself with good people

This tip is the most important in my opinion. Having positive relationships has boosted my self-esteem and made me feel like I belong and am wanted. The people in my life have given me an outlet to vent to and get advice from. Surrounding yourself with good people allows you to feel seen and increase your sense of belonging. Spending time with my people brings me happiness and makes me forget about the stress and negative thoughts I have.

Prioritizing your mental health and putting yourself first is crucial when it comes to your overall well-being. These are some tips that I practice every day and have made me a better person. Recognizing my own mental health and my needs have given me the strength to better myself for me and those around me.  

Jenna is a third-year Marketing major with a minor in Fashion and Retail Studies. She is from Mentor, Ohio which is about 25 minutes east of Cleveland. She loves anything beauty or fashion related. Some of her favorite artists include Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Gracie Abrams, Role Model, The Driver Era, SZA and COIN. Some of her hobbies are journaling, shopping, spending time with friends and family and being active.