Name: Craig Nennig
Year: Freshman
Major: Business
Hometown: Green Bay, WI
Relationship Status: On the prowl (single)
Twitter Handle: @CraigNennig
HC: Tell us three words that you would use to describe yourself.
CN: Huggable, cuddly and beautiful.
HC:Â What do you look for in a girl?
CN: A woman with a coke-bottle figure (curves on curves).
HC:Â What would be your ideal frist date?
CN: Ordering some PAD pizza and having a romantic picnic on the Oval.
HC: Who is your favorite Disney Princess?
CN: Princess Fiona from Shrek.
HC: What is your biggest turn-off?
CN: I hate ugly feet.
HC: What has been your favorite freshman year experience so far?
CN: Football season and the Bucks going undefeated.
HC:Â Who is your celebrity crush?
CN: Brooklyn Decker.
HC: What is an interesting fact about yourself?
CN: I like cheese.