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Flawless, Fierce, Fresh: You.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Momma taught me good home training

My Daddy taught me how to love my haters

My sister taught me I should speak my mind

My man made me feel so G*d d*mn fine”


         It’s safe to say that unless you have been living in solitude for the last few months, you recognized the lyrics above instantly. In Beyoncé’s song “Flawless***”, she describes the female experience in society with the help of the feminist writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This song is unique and powerful in itself because it’s sung by a prominent songstress and includes a feminist mantra about the power and position of women in society. Beyoncé uses her music here to raise questions that have been already posed by writers like Chimamanda; why are women raised to seek attention from men and the envy of other women to reach fulfillment in society and self? Women have proved time and again that we can do everything men can do, limited to a few anatomical actions, including peeing standing up if we really want to!

         As stated in Chimamanda’s statements, the meaning of true feminism is not to bash men in order to get ahead as women, but rather the practice of believing “…in the social,political, and economic equality of the sexes”. Mutual respect is the great equalizer, not just between men and women but also amongst women.

Unfortunately, usually a woman who asserts herself as “Flawless” is seen as being conceited but in this case we admire Beyoncé for saying it. Because it’s Beyoncé, Queen Bey; she told us to bow down and we did! She has power because she took it by owning her persona, sexuality, and opinions. The only person who can give or take power from you is yourself!

         Therefore, as collegiettes at one of the best schools in the world (O-H-I-O!), equipped with intelligence, style, and social media, we have the potential to spread positivity, new ideas, and love. Can you imagine what you could achieve by asserting yourself with that confidence? With the mentality that you are flawless not in spite of your flaws, mistakes, and quirks; but rather because of them! Starting now, take on everything in your life with the fervor of Beyoncé’s mentality and watch the results of your own inner queen emerge by loving yourself and others. Look around campus for Her Campus’s “You Are Beautiful” campaign and use our hash tag, #HCOSU to show us what you would do if you knew that you are flawless. 

OSU Strategic Communication-General Business. PRSSA. Her Campus. STEP. Clairee Belcher and Tina Fey are my spirit animals. kaitlinbradley.weebly.com https://twitter.com/KateBradley26 http://www.pinterest.com/speedbee2612/