Hometown: Vernal, Utah
Position: President of Ohio State since 2007 (2nd term)
You’ve seen him at convocation, football games, campus events and even parties.Whenever he makes an appearance, students are always looking to get a picture with him, and how many other university presidents would hang out with students on a Friday night?
So it can’t be denied- President Gee is definitely a celebrity!
HC: What has been your favorite Ohio State memory of this school year?
GG: I think that my memories always go around the great spirit of the fans. My favorite thing to watch on a regular basis is our marching band.
HC: What are your favorite OSU events to attend?
GG: I like to go to our theatre and musical events. I obviously enjoy our sporting events. There are a lot of lectures that are on campus that I find very stimulating.
HC: When did you decide to become so involved with student activity on campus?
GG: Well you know, I was a student body president myself and I’ve always been very involved with students. I became University president at a very young age, so it’s just always been part of my culture.
HC: What is your favorite Ohio State tradition?
GG: I think that a favorite tradition that I have of my own, and I can imagine is the marching band’s, [is] the ramp entrance to the football games.
HC: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
GG: I enjoy reading and I enjoy going to movies.