1. He’s Just Not That Into You
Before the movie, there was the book by the same name written by the writers of SATC. The concept was first introduced when Carrie brought her boyfriend at the time (Berger) out for drinks to meet the girls. Miranda was talking about this guy that she thought she had a good date with; but when she invited him upstairs, he said that he had to work early in the morning. Berger is very blunt and explains how if he were really into her, he would have gone upstairs.
Sex And The City Lesson (SATCL): Guys do not overanalyze like us girls do, nor do they read into every little text message. If they like you they will chase you, plain and simple. Think of this knowledge as liberating: we can stop wasting time worrying about guys who just “aren’t that into us,” because really it is their loss!
2. Zsa Zsa Zsu
Don’t you love that feeling when you just meet someone that you really really like? Well, that feeling is “zsa zsa zsu!” Carrie tells us, “Some people are settling down, some people are settling, and some people won’t settle for anything less than butterflies.”
SATCL: There isn’t any reason why we should feel the need to settle. If you are reading this, you are a beautiful, smart and confident woman! I challenge you to listen to my fortune cookie that I got last week that said, “you know what you want, go for it.” It’s the 21st century—we can take the lead.
3. Guys Hate Complicated Girls
This might be my all time favorite episode: where Carrie is having brunch with the girls and has the realization that she and Big are like Katie and Hubbell from the old movie “The Way We Were.” Big is getting married to Natasha, “the simple girl,” just like how Hubbell chose his old girlfriend from college over Katie because she wasn’t complicated. Just to clarify, being “simple” has nothing to do with intelligence or how much you have going on; rather, it involves not being overly dramatic, playing mind games or being overly high-strung.
SATCL: Keep the drama in check. Guys do not like when girls are “crazy” or too emotional and oftentimes chose the “simple” girl over someone they may actually have had a more passionate relationship with. Check out the clip from the episode below that further explains this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyuCwCN78lA
4. “Women are for friendship, men are for f******”—Samantha
The best part about SATC is the realness and closeness of the girls’ friendship. They are always there for one another and give great advice, and unlike the men they date, they are there to stay.
SATCL: Your girlfriends will always be there for you. We love when over brunch Charlotte says, “Don’t laugh at me, but maybe we could be each others soulmates? And then we could let men be just these great nice guys to have fun with?” Yes Charlotte, we agree completely!
5. Romance Isn’t Dead
Carrie goes crazy wondering why Aidan wasn’t sleeping with her after only a week of dating, even when she was pulling out all the stops. She confronted him, and he admitted he only slept with woman that he really cared about because he got his heart broken in a previous relationship. I’ll be honest, I don’t really care for Aidan, but there are a lot of sweet guys like him out there that a lot of girls are into.
SATCL: We know that in college it can often be difficult and confusing to find real romance, especially when there are tons of social pressures and expectations telling you what’s “normal” in college to do. But just remember to stay true to your own values—there are Aidans out there; they just might be harder to spot. So don’t pull a Carrie and assume every guy is the same—he might just be a gentleman who believes in romance!
6. Be A Little Selfish
Don’t get us wrong, we are all for being conscientious and caring about others! But don’t forget to be nice to yourself, too! Make sure to take time to do the things YOU love and to learn more about yourself—the more comfortable and happy you are with yourself, the more capable you are of having great and fulfilling relationships with others.
SATCL: Remember Carrie’s wise words: “”But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous.”