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Must Try: The New Starbucks® Blonde Roast

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

If Starbucks®is a regular stop on your way to class (as it is for me) you may have noticed a new addition to the lineup!  Coffee-loving blondes (and of course all other fabulous brunettes and redheads that share a love of all things caffeine), are rejoicing over the newest addition to the Starbucks® family: The Starbucks® Blonde Roast.

The new roast, which Starbucks debuted earlier this month, is their lightest roast yet.  The blonde roast packs more of a mild-mannered taste, which can be a nice switch-up on a morning where you want to ease into the day rather than down shots of espresso (although with midterms approaching, that is completely understandable).

Blonde-roasted coffees have a shorter roast time, which gives a lighter and smoother flavor than the medium and dark roasts.

If you’re the collegiette™who prefers her coffee a little on the soft side, Starbucks® Blonde Roastis just for you.  And for all you blondes out there who want to try it just for the name, have no shame.  Blonde pride is serious! 
So (blonde or not) enjoy a cup during your next trip to the Thompson for a midterm study session, or even on a day you just prefer to cuddle up on the couch and make the best of a very chilly winter quarter.

Picture 1 Source: http://instagr.am/p/gA1V8/
Picture 2 Source: Personal photo

Kali Grant is the founding Editor-in-Chief and Campus Correspondent for the OSU chapter of Her Campus. Kali is pursuing a B.A. in Public Affairs at the John Glenn School with a minor in Communication and is excited to be in her senior year. Kali is a student research assistant at the Glenn School and is a proud member of the Zeta Alpha chapter of Chi Omega. Kali has spent her collegiate summers interning with The Institute on Women and The Salvation Army and studying Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina. When she’s not daydreaming about returning to New Orleans and San Francisco, Kali loves drinking coffee, talking about cats and politics, and trying out questionable vegetarian recipes.