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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Feeling clean, refreshed and ready for the week is something I have grown to love and appreciate. Sunday resets are what I live for. Since starting college, I have religiously followed a Sunday routine that helps me get set up for my week ahead. Here are some of the things I do to have a self-care Sunday:

1. Create a Sunday playlist

I recently made a playlist specifically for Sundays that includes my favorite chill songs. I love listening to this playlist throughout the day to uplift my mood by all of the good music. I think part of the fun is actually making the playlist and creating an aesthetic catered to your weekend. Having relaxing music on while you plan your week can make your Sunday better than you would have ever expected. I honestly think music can cheer anyone up!

2. Clean your Living Space

I have recently become obsessed with cleaning and making my room smell fresh. My favorite cleaning product for my dorm is Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Multi-Surface Spray in the lemon scent. I use it to clean my desk and it smells so fresh.

Along with freshening up my desk and vacuuming the floors, I find that doing my laundry is a de-stressor that I love to do on Sundays. When I wash my sheets, I feel like it freshens up my entire room and makes me excited to go to bed that night. I use the Snuggle Lillies and Linen In-Wash Fragrance Booster along with the Spring Meadow Tide Pods and Snuggle Softener, and it is the perfect recipe for amazing smelling and soft sheets. When you live in such a small space, it is easy for your area to feel messy. So, when my room is clean, I feel so much better and it helps to start my week off super strong.

I’m also obsessed with keeping fresh flowers in my room lately. I think having fresh and beautiful flowers is something that keeps me excited to go to my room and it is nice having some life in my dorm room. Picking out new bouquets of flowers every week is something I look forward to. Flowers smell amazing and make my room look extra beautiful!

Keeping my dorm room tidy is important to me since I sleep, do homework and have friends over in there. I love dedicating Sundays to giving this important space in my life a deep clean and makeover! I seriously feel like having a clean, cozy and good smelling room or apartment is the key to success in college.

3. Use a planner

Using a planner for my week is a lifesaver for my productivity and filling it out on Sunday is a new ritual of mine. I bought my planner from Etsy, and it seriously saves me for school. On Sundays, I take five minutes to write out the homework and meetings I have for the week, as well as any plans I might have coming up. This makes me feel productive, yet it doesnā€™t require any brain power! I feel at ease once I have my week written and planned out, so I totally suggest getting one to help plan your upcoming plans and assignments!

4. Sunday Self Care

There’s nothing better than ending your weekend with a new face mask or skincare product. Face masks always help me feel refreshed and make my skin feel like new. I really love putting a face mask on, watching one of my favorite TV shows and laying in bed to feel refreshed on Sundays. Doing this makes me feel way less stressed, and it allows me to take my focus off the upcoming week. While I have a face mask on, I also put in a purple hair mask for my highlights. If you have time, getting a pedicure or manicure on your Sunday will help you appreciate your weekend and feel ready for the rest of your week.

5. Wind Down With Friends

I have a Sunday night tradition with my friends to watch a TV show together, recap our weekends and hangout. Lately, we have been watching Euphoria since it was live streaming, but since that ended we are in the process of choosing a new show to watch. Every Sunday for this tradition, we get pizza and insomnia cookies and feast before watching! It is a nice way to end the weekend and have a fun Sunday night with your friends.Ā 

All of these are things I truly do every Sunday, and it has helped me to feel better about my incoming week of homework and classes. Feeling cozy, refreshed and clean is my latest vibe and things that I strive to feel all the time. I now love Sundays rather than dread them, and doing these things have helped me to grow that love.

Katriel Orlean was previously an intern for the National Writing Program at Her Campus as well as the Instagram and Facebook editor at her Her Campus's Ohio State University chapter. She created graphics for her chapter's Instagram and Facebook, posted new articles on both social medias, and helps to recruit members through Instagram. During her time as a writer for the NWP, she wrote evergreen articles as well as articles that are news based. She wrote about five to six articles per month for this program. Beyond Her Campus, Katriel was an intern for Spoon University where she wrote 8-10 articles per month. These articles were sometimes evergreen and mostly they are based on timely news in the food world. She is a recent graduate from The Ohio State University, with a degree in Communications Analysis & Engagement. In her free time, Katriel loves to travel, workout, play tennis and pickle ball, and hang out with family and friends. She is a buckeye through and through and loves to exude all of her school spirit at the Ohio State football games. She loves to write, especially for HC!