There are only a couple weeks left of Fall semester… yay! But every time we get to this point in the year, it feels like it will literally never end…
Are you experiencing an end-of-semester slump? Are you feeling exhausted, burned out, and/or incapable of completing all your assignments?
You are definitely not alone. Here are some tips for staying productive and motivated in these challenging final weeks!
1. Plan
Whether you use a traditional paper planner, a calendar on your computer or your phone, stay ahead of your schedule. Write down all those impending deadlines. As ominous as they may seem, they can’t sneak up on you as easily now. Also write down any upcoming events, review sessions, or meetings so you don’t forget to prepare.
Writing out your basic schedule gives you something to look forward to. You might not look forward to your Stats exam in three weeks, but what about that concert the Saturday after? Did you agree to get coffee with a friend next Thursday morning? Pencil that in, too. Write everything down—personal or professional.
Planning ahead of time, if nothing else, is something “productive” to do that motivates you to actually complete your work. You’re equipped with direction, motivation, and organization.
Devote specific time to studying. Devote specific time to not studying.
Self-discipline is crucial to academic and professional success, and involves making the best use of your time. Tell yourself, “I am going to the library for x amount of time study y.” Then go and do it.
If you know you’re only planning to be at the library for an hour or two, you might surprise yourself with the amount of work you’re actually willing to complete; rather than studying for an indefinite amount of time, where you’re more likely to waste it scrolling through Facebook or watching YouTube videos (when you could have been done already).
Spending time “not studying” is equally important, and can be almost anything. See a movie, cook a nice dinner for yourself, or go out for drinks with friends. But make sure you’re spending at least a few hours every week doing things you enjoy. This recharges your batteries and makes schoolwork feel less burdensome.
Give yourself something to look forward to.
The best thing about this point in the semester is that beacon of light shining just beyond the horizon… all that free time you’ll have once these final projects and exams are done. You can just hear it calling your name.
A great motivational tactic is to plan something awesome for this time. It doesn’t have to be expensive or lavish, but give yourself something to look forward to: a short road trip with friends, tickets to a play or concert, a girl’s day with your roommates, or spending time with your family. If you know you’ll be doing something fun in just a couple weeks, it will help you power through the stress and discomfort of final exams.
Have a meeting with your professor(s).
It yields an obvious benefit: brownie points!
Your professor can offer perspective and advice on how to tackle those upcoming assignments. Having a one-on-one with an instructor can give you essay inspiration, ideas for study tactics, or valuable answers to confusing questions.
Remember that every professor was an undergraduate student at some point, so they’ve been in your shoes. Most of them empathize and appreciate an honest effort from students. If you show them you care about doing well, you’ll be rewarded!
Get some sleep.
Seriously, just do it. The “work” you’re completing at 2:00am on a Red Bull binge is garbage anyways. Not to mention, it’s killing your brain and probably giving you an eye twitch. Go to bed and tackle it in the morning–your mental and physical health will be better off.
Best of luck on your final exams, Buckeyes!