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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Whether you have a five-minute walk or a one-mile hike across campus, everyone needs some music to keep them going. Now, depending on the circumstances, you may want fast-paced music, urban tunes, or even some classics. Either way, we’ve got it covered, with mini playlists that are perfect for the collegiette lifestyle (as a bonus, we’ve put the playlists on our new Youtube channel, which you can find by clicking the playlist titles below).

Late to Class:
As you dash across campus to sneakily slip into your class a few minutes late, here are some fast-paced songs to keep you walking quickly, so that you don’t miss too many notes!

• Don’t Stop (Color On The Walls)—Foster the People
• Perfect Day—Hoku
• Everybody Talks—Neon Trees
• Howlin’ For You—The Black Keys

Early Morning:
Have an early class? Not ready for loud, overwhelming music? Need some coffee? Well, we can’t help you with that last one—but we can give you a list of calming, whimsical tunes that will make you forget how early it is.

• Make You Feel My Love—Adele
• Half of My Heart—John Mayer
• Home—Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
• She’s Got You High—Mumm-ra (From the 500 Days of Summer Soundtrack)

Before a Test:
Everyone needs a few songs to listen to before slaving over a scantron. These tunes will inspire and help you get through those grueling tests.

• Dog Days Are Over—Florence and the Machine
• Be Ok—Ingrid Michaelson
• Brokenhearted—Karmin
• Houdini—Foster the People

Campus Feel:
This list is full of relaxing tunes. This is the perfect mix to listen to while simply enjoying the college life at the local coffee shop, or on the Oval!

• Little Talks—Of Monsters And Men
• Oxford Comma—Vampire Weekend
• Tongue Tied—Grouplove
• Light a Roman Candle With Me—Fun.

With the multitude of categories and suggestions above, your iPod will soon be loaded up with some of the best walking music. If my music style doesn’t completely match up with yours, make up your own playlists for walking to class and share them below!

Kali Grant is the founding Editor-in-Chief and Campus Correspondent for the OSU chapter of Her Campus. Kali is pursuing a B.A. in Public Affairs at the John Glenn School with a minor in Communication and is excited to be in her senior year. Kali is a student research assistant at the Glenn School and is a proud member of the Zeta Alpha chapter of Chi Omega. Kali has spent her collegiate summers interning with The Institute on Women and The Salvation Army and studying Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina. When she’s not daydreaming about returning to New Orleans and San Francisco, Kali loves drinking coffee, talking about cats and politics, and trying out questionable vegetarian recipes.