Year: Freshman
Hometown: Shaker Heights, Ohio (also known as the hometown of famous celebrities such as Kid Cudi and Paul Newman)
Major: Englishā€¦I consider myself very loquacious
Activities: Basketball, reading constantly, studying often, being in a state of adoration for the Big Lebowski
HC: What is your secret to getting such shiny hair?
TO: I am on a low protein diet.
HC: What shampoo do you use?
TO: I am a fan of Pantene Pro-V, but no matter what I always make sure to rub my head with hot sauce daily.
HC: What would your e-harmony account say about you?
TO: It would include things like how I love to laugh, I am fun to be around, I am rather wellspoken, extremely caring, and I have a long tongue.
HC: What kind of girls are you attracted to?
TO: In regards to their personal appearance, I really enjoy a girl who has kankles, lazy eyes, droopy mouth, drooling, and muffin-tops.Ā A mustache is always a plus.Ā A girl does not have to have all of these characteristics for me to appreciate their appearance but if you have the whole package then that would be great.
HC: Tell me something interesting about yourself.
TO: Well besides the fact that after 18 years of believing that I was a purebred Irish boy, I have come to find out I am not 100% Irish (which has been hard for me to cope with), I am also very fascinated by dubstep music.
HC: What is something you love?
TO: I love school.
HC: If you could hang out with anyone who would it be and why?
TO: I would hang out with Ernest Hemingway because I loved his book, Moveable Feast, and I really supported the way he lived his lifeā€”that is, before his tragic self-inflicted death.