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Under the weather and alone? Get over your sickness on your own

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

It happens to all of us during the wintertime—sniffling during class, getting drowsy, and, soon enough, we’re cuddling in our beds with six blankets, craving chicken noodle soup and asking for our mothers.  But, if you’re one of those unfortunate out-of-state students (like myself), you can’t have your mother by your side.  So, what do you do? 

Take care of yourself!  It sounds awful, but I know we can get through it.  I’ve come up with some pointers that have helped me survive the cold I’m suffering through right now.

  • Juices and soups and tea, oh my!  Be sure you are drinking plenty of liquids and guzzling down some hot soup!  Especially good are drinks like orange juice that are packed with Vitamin C, and hot green tea that has loads of ingredients to help your immune system.  When it comes to soup, the best kind is obviously chicken noodle—not only is it delicious, but it contains amino acids to help you feel superb.
  • Catch lots of Zzz’s  Nothing feels worse than waking up the morning after an awful night’s sleep.  If anything, you push back the amount of time it will take you to get better if you’re only sleeping for five hours every night.  Do your body a favor and rest up!  Go to bed earlier than usual and wake up a little later, or take frequent naps throughout the day.  Your body needs to rejuvenate itself and build up the strength to fight off all of those nasty viruses and bacteria.
  • Don’t push the envelope  Many of us are on tight schedules with midterms, papers, and projects.  Making time to get better just doesn’t fit into our busy lives!  Be sure to pace yourself and don’t overdo it.  You can sacrifice one night at the gym to a night lying in bed, sipping orange juice.  And be sure not to go out to the bars!  Alcohol is the last thing your body needs while it’s trying to push through an illness.  Plus, I’m sure the hangover will make you feel even worse than you already do when you wake up.  
  • Water is your new best friend  Not only should you be drinking lots of water to hydrate yourself, but you should also pamper yourself with a relaxing evening in the tub or with a long, hot, steamy shower to calm your nerves.  You’ll step out feeling clean and refreshed, which not only helps your physical state, but cleanses your mental state, as well.  

Since my mother is all the way across the country, I’ll share one little tip she has that I use all the time when she’s not with me.  She wets a washcloth with ice-cold water and places it on my forehead, especially when I have a fever.  This makes me feel the most relaxed.  And it feels like she’s there with me.
So, if you’re feeling a little under the weather this season, go make some soup, lie on your couch, and watch some great HGTV so you can have an easy, successful recovery! 

Photo source:  http://www.google.com/imgres?q=couch+potato&num=10&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1280&bih=595&tbm=isch&tbnid=p9TO13pTW29JPM:&imgrefurl=http://www.changetovegan.com/2009/08/&docid=7DK2fS3YPVRLwM&imgurl=http://www.changetovegan.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Couch_potato.gif&w=274&h=229&ei=ssYpT9wmguLZBbPDgLcC&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=406&sig=101427728248705472370&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=106&tbnw=125&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:0&tx=78&ty=83

Photo source:  http://www.google.com/imgres?q=chicken+noodle+soup&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1280&bih=595&tbm=isch&tbnid=18uiAW3ZO0UiVM:&imgrefurl=http://www.life123.com/food/soups-salads-sandwiches/soup-recipes/chicken-noodle-soup-recipe.shtml&docid=1kSK0UyTynjbfM&imgurl=http://sp.life123.com/bm.pix/chicken-noodle-soup-recipe.s600x600.jpg&w=425&h=282&ei=a8YpT7LUMIPoggfCxfjuBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=634&vpy=180&dur=1539&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=152&ty=107&sig=101427728248705472370&page=1&tbnh=113&tbnw=151&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0

Kali Grant is the founding Editor-in-Chief and Campus Correspondent for the OSU chapter of Her Campus. Kali is pursuing a B.A. in Public Affairs at the John Glenn School with a minor in Communication and is excited to be in her senior year. Kali is a student research assistant at the Glenn School and is a proud member of the Zeta Alpha chapter of Chi Omega. Kali has spent her collegiate summers interning with The Institute on Women and The Salvation Army and studying Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina. When she’s not daydreaming about returning to New Orleans and San Francisco, Kali loves drinking coffee, talking about cats and politics, and trying out questionable vegetarian recipes.