Hey Collegiettes!
Here at OSU’s Her Campus branch, we need YOUR help! Coming this spring quarter we will have a brand new column. Get excited, because this column isn’t like the others on our site.
It will be a column written by … brace yourselves … a GUY. :O
That’s right ya’ll, we’ve recruited a man to answer all your guy-related questions! So get those creative juices flowing, because our guy will dish out the truth on whatever you feel like asking him. So if you’ve ever wanted a guy’s perspective on the questions you’ve been dying to ask, we’ve got you covered.
But, before we can start the column, we need YOU. Whenever you can find some spare time—perhaps while you are avoiding studying, before going to bed, or even during class, send our guy YOUR questions.
Nothing is off-limits, so don’t be shy! You can ask him questions about anything from decoding texts to things like relationship dilemmas, dorm life, what he thinks about your fashionable fur vest and even about movies (basically anything you can think of that you’ve always wanted a guy’s advice about).
This is your chance to let us know what you want and think about, collegiettes, so dust off those keyboards, speak up, and send our guy your questions at HCguyadvice@gmail.com.
And don’t worry gals: your questions are confidential. If you want to make up a name or even go by anonymous, it’s perfectly fine (we totally understand!).
So keep an eye out for our new column this upcoming month; your questions might just be answered!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.