Spring is finally here! Now it’s time to spend more of your time outside after being cooped up during the winter. The transition of cold weather slowly getting warmer is my favorite, not to mention there are many benefits to spending time outside during your busy schedule. If you’re considering spending more time outside, here are the top five things I look forward to during the spring and that you should anticipate, too!
We all know that when the sun is out, we are all happier. Take the time to lay a blanket outside in the grass and just soak up the sun! This is the perfect time to sunbathe and get Vitamin D, or listen to music and read a good book. One of my recent favorite books is “It Ends with Us” by Colleen Hoover.
- TIME TO Reflect
Going on a walk by yourself — especially while in the sun with music playing — gives you the best time to reflect on yourself. I think the perfect time to go on a walk is when it is starting to get dark out and the sun is slowly setting. I typically put on my favorite playlist and just think about where I am in life. If you decide to consider this idea, do not think about your to-do list. Think about what you have done this week that you are proud of, think about a new place you want to adventure to or think about how beautiful the scenery is around you.
- People Watching
Take a trip outside to the closest park or sit-down area and just take a look around you. It is fun to people watch and just see what others are doing. You could see a group of friends walking past laughing and having a good time. You could see someone who is gazing at nature and noticing how beautiful the trees are. You could see someone with a million things in their hands who still stops to take a picture of a rabbit. Watching others and seeing them happy can boost your mood and make you happy as well — I know it makes me happy!
- Listening to Water
Going to a lake, a pond, a river or any body of water can be very peaceful. I recommend listening to the water, the surrounding sounds and just breathing. This can help decrease stress — listening or watching water can act like an antidote to anxiety.
- Riding Your Bike
Since the weather is becoming warmer, it will be more enjoyable to go bike riding instead of doing it in the cold with the wind constantly blowing on you. Biking is of course beneficial for exercising, but it is also a fun activity to do with your family and friends. You can even take more off-path bike trails since the ground is not covered in snow anymore!
These are a few things I enjoy the most when the weather starts to get warmer, and I hope you can enjoy them as much as I do!