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Worth Your Follow? Profiling the Popular “Ohio State Problems” Twitter Accounts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

These days, everyone and their dog has a Twitter (literally, I’ve seen dog Twitter pages.  Who cares that you just ate a biscuit?  Come on.) and it seems like the same old jokes and hashtags keep reappearing on my timeline.  Now, I try to use my Twitter for keeping up with what’s going on in the world and to network, but even I can appreciate when there’s a Twitter page that brings actual comic relief to my life. 

So, in my search for Twitters that Ohio State students can relate to and get a chuckle out of, I’ve come across three that have used the popular “problems” angle and spun it to incorporate issues familiar to OSU students.  We can all relate to common Ohio State problems: CABS busses, gold-toothed men robbing people, and, of course, that one state up north.  These accounts hilariously exploit our problems.  BUT, please take note that these Twitters do use some vulgar language and some of their content may offend people.  (I’m not easily offended, so I wanted to warn those readers that may be—just in case.) 

I will allow you to decide for yourselves whether or not you find these Twitter accounts funny or absolutely pointless.  I chose them based on the facts that they’ve appeared on my timeline frequently through re-tweets and they have a solid amount of followers.  Hopefully you’ll get a little laugh out of them.  If not, at least appreciate that some of your fellow OSU students are trying to provide us with some comic relief!

Ohio State Problems

Followers: 1,244

So, there are a few different Ohio State Problems pages, but I chose this one because it has the largest following that I saw.  I’ve chosen a couple tweets that I found humorous.  Can you relate?

“It doesn’t make sense that buckeyelink is always down from 1:30 to 6:30 am considering that’s when we do all of our homework @OHstProblems
“If you’re ever thinking  “should I go to class tomorrow?” that already means you’re not going”
“No it’s fine I’ll just stand so your bookbag can have its own freakin seat #cabsbusaggravation
#lol at the email sent out advising us not to jump in mirror lake, ill take this email seriously on #oppositeday
“Already debating whether I should make the hike from central campus to chipotle or not @OHstProblems


Home of bed bugs and disappointing sports teams & if your problems are actually funny: osu69girl@gmail.com
Followers: 2,799

Personally, I enjoy this Twitter, being a girl and all.  I like the interaction she has with another Twitter page (which I will discuss next), @OSU_GDI.  Here are some tweets I found pretty entertaining.  (Disclaimer: this profile is definitely not one for the easily offended.)
“Valentine application: 1) are you alive 2) do you like burritos”
“A man with a gold tooth is comin’ to town! #columbuschristmascarols
“Kitten videos: Helping girls not study since the beginning of the internet kittehroulette.com”
“Sorry I haven’t been tweeting a lot lately. It’s hard to take breaks in between taking breaks for stumbleupon and playing with my cat”
“I feel like the only way I could graduate with a 4.0 is if I could major in naps and minor in the Jimmy Johns menu #osugirlproblems
“It’s raining: reason #73 I deserve to get Buckeye Donuts for lunch again”

I swear my friend lives here.
Followers: 1,958

Okay, this final Twitter account also uses some explicit language—fair warning, if you’re not a fan of that.  If you don’t know what “GDI” stands for, well … don’t Google it if you don’t like curse words.  Otherwise, by all means, look it up.  But I find their tweets pretty comical, so here are some prime examples:

“I fake a girls voice whenever I call student safety for a ride.”
“Hey guys I missed the Kourtney and Kim Take New York finale, Kris and Kim stay together right?”
“Girls LOVE it when you reply, “K” to all their texts, right?”
“My mood is dependent on whether or not the line at Chipotle is long.”
“Can the NCAA ban my ex from texting me?”
“Whenever I miss Columbus I eat a gyro while listening to dub step.”
“Finals, it’s not you, it’s me, I just don’t think this is going to work out.”
“It’s embarrassing how many times I have checked myself out in the RPAC windows.”
“Turns out, my iPhone is not waterproof. #mirrorlake11”
“Jumping in and out of my bathtub in preparation for mirror lake, who has ice cubes?”
“Who else thinks it would be awesome if someone fought crime around campus in Brutus the Buckeye’s costume?”
“Excuse me while I have a panic attack as I walk down elliptical alley at the RPAC.”
If you’d like to see their more uncensored tweets, check out these pages and decide for yourself if they’re worth a follow.  Happy Tweeting! 

Photo source: http://favim.com/image/190692/

Kali Grant is the founding Editor-in-Chief and Campus Correspondent for the OSU chapter of Her Campus. Kali is pursuing a B.A. in Public Affairs at the John Glenn School with a minor in Communication and is excited to be in her senior year. Kali is a student research assistant at the Glenn School and is a proud member of the Zeta Alpha chapter of Chi Omega. Kali has spent her collegiate summers interning with The Institute on Women and The Salvation Army and studying Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina. When she’s not daydreaming about returning to New Orleans and San Francisco, Kali loves drinking coffee, talking about cats and politics, and trying out questionable vegetarian recipes.