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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

It is crazy that I am already a senior in college. From the moment I entered middle school, I was so excited about college and would constantly dream about what it would be, where I would go, the kind of friends I would make, and the person I would ultimately become. There is so much hope and excitement when it comes to college for a lot of people. It’s the first time in your life you get to be your own person without the influence or in some cases burden of your family or friends that known you your whole life. Now I sit here as a senior. Four years passed by quicker than I can even comprehend! I still sometimes feel like that same freshman girl who came in with all the joy excitement and anxiety that I once felt. Now, however, as I am nearing the end of my college experience there are some things I wish I had done differently. So to any college freshman or high schooler looking for guidance these are my tips for you!

  1. Save your money

Something I wish I listened to throughout college is to save my money. Sure you finally have the freedom to buy whatever you want without your parents over your shoulder monitoring every purchase, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN BUY EVERYTHING. I understand the feeling of wanting a new wardrobe. Especially as you start to grow and change and find your style, but have patience, just because you want it does not mean you need it. There are very few things I bought during my freshman or even sophomore year that stuck with me throughout my college career. So suck it up and save your money, you will thank yourself in the long run.

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  1. Talk to everyone and everyone (including your professors)

This may be difficult if you have anxiety or a certain disorder that makes it difficult for you to go out of your way to meet people. Despite that though my advice would be to at least try. Remember that everyone is feeling the same way you are and even if these people you meet in your first year do not become your best friends, that is okay. It is always good to go out of your way to talk to everyone and meet as many people as you can because not only does it make others feel good, but it also helps you grow and expand as a person. The more people you surround yourself with the more you learn about yourself the kind of people you like to be around and the personality types you find yourself gravitating toward. Additionally, getting to know your pressors is a great way to get ahead. I wish I started talking to my professors earlier in my college career because they are great people and resources and a lot of the time very understanding of you and your situations so try to keep in close contact with your professors!

  1. Keep an open mind

For many people, college is the first time in their life where they are around so many different people, cultures, ethnicities, and beliefs. You may not always agree with the way someone chooses to live their life or the beliefs they have but it’s always important to be willing to listen and understand someone else’s perspective or consider their life experiences. This will help you gain more knowledge and expand your emotional intelligence. Being open-minded is a necessity for life so learn how to be empathic and understanding and always be considerate of other people’s situations even if it varies from your personal experience.

  1. Try different hobbies, sports, and classes

One of the best things I did for myself in college was join everything. I tried various sports, clubs, and even classes. Though many of the things I tried didn’t stick I was able to make connections and gain skills in every small thing I tried. You never know what you’ll like or don’t like if you’ve never tried something so my advice, and this goes along with having an open mind is to try new things. Maybe join a painting club even if you’ve never painted a day in your life, who knows maybe you’ll be the next Picasso. The biggest takeaway I have from this is to go out of your comfort zone!

  1. Prioritize your studies

Now, the fact that I even made it to my senior year is a huge accomplishment and you should be proud that you even made it this far! However, I do wish that I had prioritized my grades earlier on. Many people when going into college have the mentality that “a job won’t look at my GPA so it doesn’t matter as long as I pass” which can be true. Nonetheless, what should be taken into consideration is what jobs are looking at, and that is experience responsibility and internships. Now what is that most internships are looking at? Your GPA, your experience on campus, how engaged and determined you are. Having good grades is essential if you want to have nice internships, and opportunities or even go to graduate school. So yes, while your grades do not feel important now they are. I am not saying you should not have fun, or go out, or even that you need to live in the library 24/7. All I am saying is that grades can be pretty important to prioritize your education because, at the end of the day, that is why you are here!

Now these are some of the many things that I have learned since being in college. Based on my experience I think these are some of the most important. So pick and choose what advice you follow and ultimately understand that college is a learning experience. It is about making mistakes and even if you follow every advice blog, article, YouTube video, or even Tiktok, there are still going to be things that you mess up on and times that you will cry and feel stressed and mess up, and that is okay. If you take anything from this article I would say to let things go and do not be so hard on yourself if you mess up. Live your life like it is yours to live!

I am a student at SUNY Oswego studying a BA of Arts in Political Science and minoring in Creative Writing. I am eager to express myself through my articles and hope to improve my skills!