Closure doesn’t exist.
It’s just there to persist.
You shake your fist for
An explanation that can
Make sense of why you
Hate them, but it will
Never make you feel
Better in the end. You
Know deep down, your
Closure was when the
Door closed and you had
To keep yourself composed.
You have a right to be upset,
You didn’t see it coming, how
Could you have known? Now
You’re rushed over with feelings
Of regret, but your story isn’t
Even half of the way over yet.
Why would you want to sit around
And wait for closure, when you
Know for sure, you’re on the right
Track to be back to your old self.
Eventually, as you realize the only
Help you need is from yourself you
Will feel like you got closure. Because
Now, the cuts aren’t fresh anymore;
You can start to heal them. Then,
The next time you crave closure
You’ll remember how much it hurt
Before, and all of a sudden a
Closing door won’t be as detrimental
To you now as it was before.
That day when you don’t require
Closure to help you pave your way
Anymore. The sun keeps setting,
And the world keeps on turning
But you’re no longer mourning
The loss of your imaginary life,
Because you don’t want to be
Anywhere but here, on this night.
You realize, closure doesn’t exist
The way you always imagined that
It did. Maybe, all the closure you
Ever needed was completed when
It started to hurt instead of heal you.
Maybe your closure, was when you
Had to dust yourself off, all alone with
No help. Or maybe your closure, was
When you knew things wouldn’t be the
Same, as they were then ever again.
Or, maybe as you’re reading this your
Closure is realizing that you don’t know
The old you, and they wouldn’t even
Recognize you, because you’ve come
So far from where you were at the start
And now, you have all the closure you
Need, to lead a happy life.