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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.


Among most things, Valentine’s Day is going to look very different this year, but the hopeless romantic libra in me won’t let the day go by without a little extra love. I have been wracking my brain for safe, at home VDay plans because I think we could all use an excuse to spread some love this year. We deserve a relaxing, fun day surrounded by love. So here are my best ideas for a night (or day) in with those we love:


Cook together or for each other – When you say “VDay is on a Sunday this year,” all I hear is “brunch in bed.” Take this opportunity to spend some time in the kitchen with your honey! Cooking together can be a great bonding and learning experience. Whether it’s a surprise meal in bed or a new recipe for dinner – food screams love.

Make and play a board game- I recently made my boyfriend a personalized chutes and ladders board and have had so much fun playing together. You can take this idea in so many directions. Coming up with rules together and designing your game can be just as fun as playing it. All you need is a poster board and a marker! We use little dollar store erasers as player pieces and a dice in place of a spinning wheel. Also, you can easily come up with a game using playing cards or a template of your favorite game.

Drinking Games – A good drinking game can spice up any ole day. All of these games are equally fun without the alcohol, whether you choose another consequence (stripping, perhaps?) or just play risk free! Some personal favs are: 

Shot Roulette – line up any number of water shots and one vodka shot, then take turns throwing em back! If there are only two of you, one person can secretly fill the shots and then leave the room so the other player can move them around. That way neither of you know which shots are dangerous.

Truth or Shot – answer the question or take a shot (or sip)!

Quizzes – Take turns asking each other questions and taking shots or sips for each wrong answer. This is fun if you quiz each other on personal facts or random trivia. You’re sure to be much closer after a few rounds of this one!

Guess that Song – Your partner plays you the first few beats of a song and you guess that tune! You can play based on how long it takes you to guess the song or whether you get it based on the snippet they decide to play for you. This game is super fun and could probably easily be played over FaceTime! My boyfriend and I rediscovered so many of our favorite songs while playing this.

321- This one always gets us laughing. The rules are easy: countdown from 3 and then blurt out a word over and over until you end up saying the same thing. This game is a fun way to pass the time and it’s interesting to try and follow each other’s thought patterns so quickly.

Learn a New Game – Learn how to play chess or poker or a new card game together. Play a new game on your computers or phones together! Trying new things can be an intimate experience and will certainly make the day feel special in some way.

Try Anything New – I cannot stress this enough – trying new things together is so special. Some other ideas I have are paint, draw, bake, read aloud to each other or buddy read separately, work out, learn a dance, have a dance party with a special playlist, massages, plan a trip (even if you don’t actually go on it), try a social media-less day, and watch a new show or new movie genre.

Take Turns Picking Movies – All. Day. Just stay in bed or snuggled on the couch and alternate who picks the movie. It’s a Sunday in February, come on. 

Go on a Drive – A drive with no destination can birth some great convos or jam sessions. It’s also super fun to let a coin flip decide where you should turn. You never know where you might end up or what you’ll see. Explore new places to go on walks or hike! Take in nature and each other’s company.

Makeovers – Do each other’s makeup and hair or pick out each other’s outfits for the day, or even for a whole week. This is a super goofy way to spice up the day and do something different that will most likely end in a laugh… or who knows, maybe your partner secretly has a knack for beauty!

Spa Day – Face masks, bubble baths, wash each other’s hair in the sink, manicures, pedicures, exfoliating… do it all! Relax together and get your minds and bodies on point!

Kailey is a Senior who double-majors in English and Adolescent Education. She has been a writer from the time she could hold a pencil and an aspiring teacher since 1st grade. She currently substitute teaches at a preschool and hopes to teach ELA and Creative Writing to high schoolers in the future. Kailey is an fervent reader, runner, and yogi who is happiest when laughing with loved ones or eating something full of sugar!