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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Stand clear of closing doors

You imagined that didn’t you? 

Now think of your life like that train 

A train has a destination to get to, like you and your aspirations in life 

Yet that train experiences delays, like those tribulations you thought you would never overcome 

But you did and you made it to the next stop 

Then at the next stop you experience technical difficulties 

You lost yourself, but while you waited at this stop you learned self love, the train proceeds to the next stop

You don’t make it to the next stop, because there’s a sudden stop 

Your world stops moving, but suddenly it starts to move again 

Our lives are like these trains, no matter what, these trains make it to where they have to be

No delay, no technical issue, no sudden stop prevented that train from making it to the last stop

You will make it

You have a destination with a destiny

The undergrad, known as Jay, is a theatre major at SUNY Oswego, where she is now enrolled. Cooking, dancing, writing poetry, traveling, and shooting photographs are just a few of her favorite pastimes. Her career aspiration is to work as a play therapist, but she also wants to be an advocate for the development of emotional intelligence in children.