A mysterious black paper board appeared in the Campus Center, upstairs near the arena yesterday.
On the top, it said, “Before I Die, I Want To…”
Little boxes taped to the side of the easle held pieces of white chalk, encouraging passersby to contribute to the board.
On it, people wrote everything you could imagine from a college campus – things about trying drugs and partying – plus some really heart-warming and inspirational things, such as, “Save a life.” and “Let her know how much she means to me.” Still others were terribly sad – a reminder that many of the people you pass every day are struggling to overcome something. Everyone is fighting something.
It’s not clear where this miraculous little board came from (let us know if any of you readers know its origins) but one thing is for sure – it was a welcome change in the otherwise bustling Campus Center. People were stopping to read it all day and add their own wishes to the board.
So tell us, collegiettesā„¢, what do you hope to do?