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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Valentine’s Day; is one of my favorite holidays, single or cuffed. I just love love. Love is such a beautiful thing. Love is all around us. Everything is filled with love, everyone is made of love. Everything is made with love. Down to your sweater or bag, no matter how big the factory may be, it originated from love. Think of it, that sweater you’re wearing came to be because someone had an idea and they were so in love with that idea that they decided to go forth with their execution; in turn, you’ve got a sweater. All because someone fell in love with their once so little idea. Meaning your sweater was made with love. Friendships are made of love. Think about your friends for example; doesn’t it make you so happy at just the thought of them? Wow, how beautiful and amazing are my chosen people? I chose you, you chose me, so amazing. A love that you may have never seen come when you were once strangers walking side by side or passing one another by. A love that slowly grew and rooted with no alter intentions just a love that is so pure and beautiful. It’s not like a relationship where you go into it with a sort of intention. Not to say I am completely against partnership. I love partnerships. I love that love where your problems are their problems and in turn, we come together to sit and dwell together and most importantly figure things out with one another. Because we are a partnership, what affects me affects you, and vice versa because we are doing life together. We each have our own lives yet when we come together we are one so beautiful. Yet, a common misconception is that partnership is only within a romantic relationship. No, it can be within a friendship as well. It’s known as a platonic relationship. Being interconnected and having that friend who is there with you through it all. Think about that time you were going through a terrible breakup, think about that friend who sat there and picked you up and gave you a shoulder to cry on EVERY SINGLE TIME. That was to love a friend who sits here and puts anything aside because you need it. That is love. They give you a safe space no matter how distant you may become at times because that is love.  Family, love whether that be your blood family or your chosen one, the love of family is such a huge beautiful blessing. Being brought into this world and being surrounded by love is such an understated blessing. No, matter how crazy or ugly things may get in a family, love is always there. Family doesn’t leave you ever whether you guys become distant or go years without speaking to each other. The love is always there, the love never leaves. It’s so pure. It comes from such a place of love. No matter how divided or how much the dilemma may be within the family is family and it is love. With that being said, whether you got broken up with two days before Valentine’s Day and dumped and left for dead (me last year). Take the day of love to appreciate the love that you do have, instead of dwelling on what you don’t have. Look for the love in the little things, look for love in everything around you. Love is everywhere, within everything.

Hello, I'm Amani. I'm from Brooklyn, I'm currently majoring in Broadcasting and Mass Communications. I've always loved writing ever since a very young age. I use it as a creative outlet, and a way to express myself.