Just about every college across the nation has one nowadays. One thing that you’re bound to find at about every university across the nation is (insertschoolnamehere)Probz. These probz develop into Twitter accounts like Oswego’s famous @SUNYoswegoprobz.
The two PR classes I’m in were completely dedicated to social media all week. This week, I attended a Social Media workshop. Along with the daily tweeting and Facebook life, I’ve definitely got social media on the brain.
As I scrolled my Twitter feed in boredom one day I started to think about this “Probz” Twitter. Yeah every school has one. And at every school they seem to be wildly popular.
So what’s the deal with this @Probz accounts? And how are they always so popular? Just like every college is unique, every @Probz account is unique too. It allows students to be able to relate to one another about the quirky, crazy or insane things that make Oswego, Oswego. Yes, that cold, ice pelting me in the face, wind blowing me over walk across campus is horrible. There are no words to describe the hatred for the cold I have on that walk. But reading that tweet from @SUNYOswegoProbz stating, ”I’m not trying to be rude, I just literally cannot see your face outside to know if I know you. #oswegoprobz”- Does make that walk a tiny bit funnier knowing everyone else is suffering.
@SUNYOswegoProbz definitely creates a community atmosphere. It allows us Oswego students to bond over the unique experiences that make our school, our school. I know we’ve all done it, physically said “#oswegoprobz” after saying something in a conversation, whether it be about the weather, classes or anything only Oswego people would understand.
Think about it- smokestacks, Wi-Fi problems, dining hall menu items, Harborfest, flat rocks, Late Night, the D Bus and how could anyone ever forget, the weather- all these things make Oswego, Oswego. So the infamous @SUNYOswegoProbz, whoever you are, if you read this, keep the funny tweets coming.