Even though this fall is off to a pretty warm start, there is no need to worry when you know that the nice chill breezes and falling leaves are right around the corner. However, if you are anything like me you want that weather, and more specifically the vibe the weather brings, ASAP; here are my personal top 5 favorite activities to get myself back in my cozy fall era.
Watching Gilmore Girls!:
Gilmore Girls is THE perfect “cuddle up and get cozy” show. It is the perfect show to make you want to throw on that oversized sweater, sip some coffee and cuddle under a blanket while watching the leaves fall outside. Even if you still need an AC inside, you can just turn it up to really give that fall weather feeling (and really make you want that sweater and blanket).
Thrifting for the Perfect Jackets and Sweaters!:
Even if it isn’t exactly comfortable sweater-wearing weather outside yet, that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare your wardrobe for it! Heading over to your local thrift store and raiding the sweaters that someone’s grandpa decided to donate can get anyone excited for fall. Plus, it is eco and wallet friendly, so you don’t have to have a sullied conscience when wearing your new sweaters, after all, when someone asks where you got your sweater, it is never hard, or embarrassing, to say “I thrifted it!”
Going Apple Picking!:
There almost isn’t anything better than making delicious homemade apple cider, apple pie, and so many more apple-filled treats; except picking the apples yourself. I will always recommend gathering some buddies, dressing all cute, and heading over to your local apple orchard for a fun outdoor day of apple picking! Not only are you getting some nature and friend time, but you’re supporting local businesses! Shopping small businesses is always cute .
Fall decorating!:
If you’re anything like me, you have your living space decorated for the upcoming holiday at least a month in advance, nothing gets me more in the fall mood than putting up my pumpkin and leaf decorations and putting all my cozy throw blankets out! It not only gives your house a cozy vibe, but it is also extremely calming due to the muted colors and nature-themed pieces!
Participating in your local fall 5k!:
Most places, especially college campuses, will hold pumpkin or other fall-themed 5ks! There is nothing more self-satisfying than setting a goal for yourself and reaching it! Whether you run the 5k in 15 minutes or you walk it in an hour, physical activity is a great way to increase your heart health, and it is proven to be one of the leading ways of relieving anxiety and depression symptoms!