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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

I am sure that we all have a friend who you have felt very close and connected to but ended pretty abruptly because of a romantic relationship they got into. Whether you have personally experienced this or even been that friend yourself, it is not a good look for any parties involved. Without having close friends outside of your partner, a lot of the time your relationships suffer, and your friends are left feeling abandoned and betrayed. That is why it is essential to build and maintain strong friendships, especially in an environment like college. 

College is a great place to meet new people and learn about yourself through whoyou are surrounded with. It is the only place you will have the opportunity to be surrounded by thousands of people your own age who live within walking distance and have the option to actively hang out and be around them. College is one of the greatest opportunities we have in our lives to build long-lasting friendships. So take advantage of that. Go to social events and talk to as many people as you can, even if it is embarrassing or awkward. Once you do that you will eventually find people you click with. It may not always be easy and it takes a lot of time but it will be worth it. 

I am not saying this to stray people away from romantic relationships, in fact I think they can be lovely, but I think, especially in college, to not make romantic relationships your only priority in college. Take your friends on dates, buy each other gifts, and really learn to love and appreciate another person in a way that is not purely romantic or sexual and you too will flourish.

I am a student at SUNY Oswego studying a BA of Arts in Political Science and minoring in Creative Writing. I am eager to express myself through my articles and hope to improve my skills!