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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

Strong winds swim through the dark grey skies.

Out over the balcony, she looks down

sixteen floors of homes.


She gazes past the big buildings.

Not interested in the large windows and hundreds of floors.

She does not notice the endless sky hanging over her.

Neither does she pay attention to the rising moon or falling sun.


Rather, she is intrigued by the cars passing-

Roaring down the streets in all different colors.


She wonders about the people in these cars.

Asking herself who they might have loved in their lives,

Who they might have lost out of love,

And whose hearts they may have broken.


She then wonders how many of these people could be in love right now.


And in that moment,


Thousands of feet away from these strangers,


She feels less alone.

Abi Nosrati

Oxford Emory '21

Hey I'm Abi, a Biology major minoring in English. In my free time I love to write and take photos, especially portraits.
Jackie Doctor

Oxford Emory

My name is Jackie Doctor, and I'm a sophomore at the Oxford College of Emory University. I'm an Anthropology and Biology major on a pre-med track. I'm interested in pursuing a profession in Allied Health. I'm a huge fan of Game of Thrones, Parks and Rec, and Bob's Burgers, and I read, write, and play the ukelele in my spare time.