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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

When I see a cute couple holding hands, my first thought is about how annoyingly cute they are. It’s a shame that these thoughts are not the case for all people. Interracial couples have always faced general intolerance from the public, and the movie “Loving” has brought the issues to the forefront of discussions. In recent years, interracial acceptance has been steadily increasing and it seems as though we are moving towards a more accepting society. Despite this, there are still people who see interracial couples as an unacceptable.

From my personal experience, I can say that there is a general consensus that I, as an African woman, will marry a black man, or at least a Hispanic one. He just can’t be white.

I remember one of my relatives married a white man and brought him to a family gathering. There wasn’t any open hostility, but I could sense that some of the people at the party did not want him to be there and did not attempt to communicate with him. He was seen as his race, rather than this character. We don’t often think about how Africans and African-Americans treat white people, but racial tensions are not just one sided. This situation is proof that both sides are just as responsible for the stigma for interracial relationships.

All races, not just blacks and whites, seem to want to marry within their race. Someone from the same race is more likely similar experiences and worldviews, it’s quite easy to only date within your own race because it’s familiar. There’s nothing wrong with wanting someone similar to you, just like there is nothing wrong with wanting someone different than you. To some dating outside of your own race makes you a race traitor, as if your race should always be the most important thing when looking for a partner. It can be if you want it to be, but putting race on the backburner shouldn’t have repercussions either.

Who someone chooses to love has nothing to do with people not involved in the relationship, so I find it odd that people like that always have the most to say about interracial relationships. Acceptance of differing taste is a sign of intelligence and should be a goal for everyone. I’m not trying to say that everyone needs to date outside of their race, just to respect those that do.