Name: Sarah Schmitz
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: CTSJ
Relationship Status: Single
Where are you studying abroad? Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea
What made you the most nervous about going abroad? I didn’t really have a specific point of concern, more of a general anxiety. There was a point when I was driving to the airport where I was freaking out like, “this is weird, I made a mistake.”
What’s your favorite thing about Korea so far? The food, the public transportation, how nice everyone is, I can’t really describe it, but being here just makes me really happy.
Speaking of people, have you met any cuties? I have met several cuties.
What’s the most embarrissing thing that’s happened to you? I do embarrassing things all the times. There are a lot of times when I’ll almost fall over on the bus or the subway. Other than that, it’s always awkward when I accidentally speak English.
Do you have a favorite hang out? Probably the area around my host university, Sichon, it’s a younger area with a lot of street performances and it’s just generally fun. Also It’s really pretty here during the spring.
What the most important thing you’ve learned so far? I‘ve learned that I’ve taken for granted what it’s like to know the language of a place, and what it’s like to blend in or not look foreign. The most challenging thing about studying abroad for me isn’t the language barrier, it’s feelings of like, “Oh yeah I look different from everyone, I’m the Other here.”