Name: Kevin Liu
Year: 2016
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Relationship Status: Single
Usually Seen: The Marketplace
Campus Activities: Phi Kappa Psi, Golf, OSBLN
Do you have a guilty pleasure?: Singing in the shower.
What is your Ideal Date?: Running around Seattle on an adventure and then having dinner at Capitol Hill
Do you have a deal breaker?: Not understanding my sarcasm.
Tell us about your first kiss!: Freshman year of high school, my girlfriend and I had been dating for about two months and we both had braces at the time… it wasn’t pretty.
What is your dream vacation: A roadtrip to a beach camping site and going camping.
Who is your celebrity crush?: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
What is your favorite Youtube video?: Panda Dougie
What was your favorite song in middle school: Take You Down by Chris Brown
What is your favorite Oxy memory so far?: OxyEngage my freshman year, it’s where I made my best friends.
If you were a mythical creature who would you be?: I’d probably be the Pokemon Ditto
What is your favorite Nintendo 64 game?: Super Smash Bros
If you could nominate someone for campus cutie who would it be?: Koby Deitz
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.