Name: Stephen Perkins
Year: 2013
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Major: Economics and Spanish
Usually Seen: Kickin’ it, dominating fools on the bball and tennis courts, and in the library being a scholar.
Campus Activities: Tennis and Intramural Basketball
What is your ideal date?: Somewhere with a nice view.
Do you have a guilty pleasure?: Giggin in the library.
What do you look for in a girl?: A nice smile.
What was your favorite son in middle school?: Lose Yourself by Eminem
What is your favorite YouTube video?: Toss up between Isiah Thomas Game Winner and Funny Swedish Reporter
If you could be any mythical creature what would you be and why?: A dragon because they can fly and are majestic and powerful… and they breathe fire.
You’re graduating this month! What has been your favorite Oxy memory?: Hasn’t happened yet #seniorweek2013
If you could nominate someone for campus cutie who would it be?: Austin Wang