Heartbreaks suck. They’re messy, complicated, and just plain out frustrating. We try so hard to figure out what went wrong, but we always come out in the end hurt. I denied for a while that my heart was broken and after a solid year, I am finally able to say out loud that yes, my heart is broken.
I still replay the entire relationship in my head, over and over again, wishing and hoping to find some kind of answers, but all it does is bring up old memories that I wish I could go back to. Sometimes I think that I miss the memories rather than the actual person. However, I have found that because of this experience, I am stronger. Sometimes it’s hard to fully believe, but I really am. Im more self-aware and conscious that things… don’t always work out. theres just a point where you have to pick yourself up and realize that you are enough.
A significant other cannot fix you; In the end, you are the only person who can truly help yourself. There are going to be times when you get sad about a breakup and that’s OK. It’s OK to show some human emotion and admit that you’re sad. After my heartbreak, I was able to meet new people, try new things, and eventually get past that phase in my life. Yes, its always gonna sting a little, but I have found that the people I surround myself truly care and are gonna be there to help me up when I feel down about this.
Heartbreak is something that you take day by day and it is not going to be solved overnight, but it is a learning experience that hopefully will help you find greater loves and even greater memories.