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Excited but Nervous: My Move to London

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

Studying abroad in college has always been a goal of mine for as long as I can remember. Since March 2022, I knew that I would be attending school in London for the Fall 2022 semester. Honestly, I still can’t comprehend the fact that I am going to be living in London for the next couple of months. With that being said, as my departing flight comes closer and closer, I’ve been trying to process everything that is ahead. I figured that I could at least share what I’ve been thinking, and hopefully, someone may find this useful as well!

I think that it’s obvious that I am beyond excited to study abroad. I am extremely lucky and grateful that my semester abroad will be taking place in London. I have so many ideas in mind that I don’t even know where to begin. The opportunities to explore London, possibly travel within the UK, or explore other places in Europe are endless. Although it may only be for a couple of months, I think I may be experiencing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by moving to another country. I am sure that I will be able to travel around the world in the future, but who knows if I could actually move to another country permanently. These three months are a dream come true and I can’t wait to settle in and take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. 

As excited as I am for this next chapter of my life, I would be lying if I said I was not nervous about this semester. I think it is important for myself and anyone who is considering studying abroad to know that being nervous is completely okay and normal. Navigating a foreign country, making new friends, and attending a brand-new school are huge steps. In some ways, I wonder if I should just be nervous and not excited at all. However, I realize that there is no way I can conquer London in one day. I think it is important to take this journey one step at a time, one goal after the next. It may seem scary, but I know I will be okay as long as I breathe and focus on the present.

Even though I am flying out in less than 24 hours, the idea of living in London has not set in yet. I do not think it will until I step onto campus. If worst comes to worst and my experience is awful (manifesting that this does not happen), I can be sad in London. Nevertheless, whatever is to come, I cannot wait to experience it and talk about it; both the pretty and the ugly.

PK Kennedy is an active member within Her Campus at Pace. They are a social media assistant and help oversee Her Campus at Pace’s Pinterest account and write weekly articles focusing on, but not limited to, local events, music, and film/television pieces. Outside of Her Campus, PK is a senior at Pace University (NYC) and is majoring in Communications and Media Studies with a double minor in Digital Marketing and Arts and Entertainment Management. Recently, PK has been delving into multiple social media and design platforms to further their knowledge about digital marketing. During this school year, and beyond graduation, they hope to continue to learn more about photoshop and video editing software. Beyond school, PK enjoys listening and discovering new music, enjoying a cup of coffee and a sweet treat, having hour-long conversations about Star Wars and/or Marvel. If not doing any of the items listed above, PK is most definitely “rotting” in bed and gaining more knowledge about astrology and rewatching their favorite movie/TV shows again.