With finals coming faster than anticipated, I’m working for hours upon hours. This usually means I sit at my desk or in the library with my headphones in, jamming to whatever is playing on my playlist. However, even though I love the music I currently listen to, I try to find new music and discover different artists.
One day, I was on Spotify and came across a new section on the Search page, “Explore your genres” Three different tabs lay across my screen with three different titles. For example, I had “#bedroom pop,” “trap soul,” and “#alternative R&B.” As you click on each tab, it then provides a snippet of a song that is associated with that genre. Also, this new feature makes it extremely easy for the user to like a song, add a song to a playlist, or explore the artist.
I love this new feature. This makes it easier to come across new music and find your new favorite song. I have discovered and added more music to my playlists because of this feature. These small samples go a long way and help listeners get a feel for this music. With the ability to add to my playlists, I can go back to these songs and give them a full listen. This has made my music-listening experience more enjoyable. However, I wondered if anyone else would feel the same way, or if anyone else had this feature. I decided to talk to Tess W, my roommate, who didn’t have this new feature on her Spotify (even though her app was up-to-date). After explaining what I have been using, Tess said it reminded her of the “Discover” tab. The “Discover” tab has been implemented in Spotify for quite some time. She feels this is a redesign for the “Discover” tab, but will be more accessible and great for new Spotify users to find their music taste.
As of right now, I can’t find much information about this new feature on Spotify. This leads me to believe that Spotify is testing this new product with limited users. Hopefully, Spotify will open this up to all of its users. This is a great idea and should be used by more people. Until then, I will continue to enjoy this new feature and find more music.