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A Synopsis of the Vice-Presidential Debate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

Following the first presidential debate on September 29th, the first and only vice-presidential debate between Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence took place with a small audience wearing masks and plexiglass between the participants. In contrast to the first presidential debate, the vice-presidential debate was more civil and visibly calmer. To recount the night’s events, the topics and the debater’s responses will be discussed.

The first topic given by the moderator, Susan Page, was the U.S. response to COVID-19. Senator Harris commenting, “the American people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country” supporting the statement with facts about the fallout from the pandemic such as business closures and unemployment and death rates. Vice President Pence combats the statements saying that Trump has done what no other president has done before and “President Donald Trump has put the health of Americans first”. However, if the White House hasn’t been following the Coronavirus guidelines, how can the American people take it seriously?

Trump testing positive for the virus a few days after the first presidential debate, led the discussion to what actions or plans would be set forth if the President is not able to fully perform his duties. Vice President Pence did not respond to the question, and took his two minutes to go back to the previous topic, responding to Senator Harris’ comment that she would not take a vaccine if Trump approved it, only if health professionals approved it by urging her to “stop undermining confidence in a vaccine”. The same question is directed to Senator Harris who utilizes her time to give context about how she and Joe share the same passion to serve as well as listing her qualifications to serve.

The next topic delves into information regarding former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump’s health and if it is important for voters to know the status of the nominee’s health. Vice President Pence talks about the transparency Trump and the Walter Reed Medical Center have given regarding his positive testing and how it has effected his health while also thanking the people and the democratic party for their support during this time. Senator Harris answers the question by saying it is “absolutely” important and begins to discuss how the transparency the Trump administration is false especially with the news of Trump paying $750 in taxes.  

Senator Harris notes that there “is a fundamental difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden” regarding the economy. She continues to talk about how Donald Trump set forth a tax bill that only benefited the 1% and that Joe Biden wants to repeal the tax bill and “invest in the American people” meaning two year Community College would be free, students with parents who make less than $125,000 year will be able to go to public university for free and overall cutting student debt. In contrast, Vice President Pence that “President Trump cut taxes, across the board” and began to twist Senator Harris’ words in stating that Joe Biden would raise taxes. Which led to a fact check from Senator Harris that “Joe Biden has been very clear. He will not raise taxes on anybody who makes less than $400,000 a year”.

The effects of global warming have been demonstrated by the increase of wildfires in the West and increase in hurricanes in the South. To that end Vice President Pence stated, “Now with regard to climate change, the climate is changing.” showing no real understanding of climate change and Trump has gone so far as to say “science doesn’t know” when asked about the wildfires in California and how the science supports it. Senator Harris, speaking for the Biden administration says, “…we’re going to invest that in renewable energy…”

As the moderator brought up foreign relations, specifically with China. Vice President Pence states, “China is to blame for the Coronavirus” and taking it further, the Trump Administration has used the origin of the virus to be inexcusably racist referring to the virus, not by its scientific name but as the “Chinese virus”. China is not entirely to blame for Coronavirus, it is the fact that President Trump did not take it seriously and he turned to wear a mask for the safety of everyone into a political division.

 Also, with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing a Supreme Court seat is now empty and the Trump administration wants to fill the seat with a woman named Amy Coney which would open the Court up to the possibility overturning Roe V. Wade because of a conservative majority. Vice President Pence responded that he hopes she is met with respect because of her religious beliefs. However, Senator Harris says, “I will always fight for a woman’s right to make a decision about her own body” and reminds Americans that she and Joe are people of faith.

Lastly, as Breonna Taylor’s death has not received justice the issue of racial injustice is introduced to the discussion As Vice President Pence states that he stands behind the justice system with full trust and Senator Kamala Harris brings up President Trump’s remarks from the first presidential debate when he failed to condemn white supremacy by telling the Proud Boys to “Stand back. Stand by.”

Overall, the question arises will President Trump refuse to give up the presidential power if Biden wins the election? As Biden leads in the polls.

Ashley Geiser is the Editor-In-Chief/Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Pace. She oversees all the writers on the team, manages the overall responsibilities and duties of the editors, and publishes the final copy of all articles on the website. She likes to work one-on-one with the writers, helping them gain confidence in their work and hosting monthly editorial workshops to get everyone familiar with Her Campus guidelines and AP style. Beyond her work with Her Campus at Pace, she works as a tutor at the Writing Center for Pace University and serves as an editor for the University’s student magazine, 'Aphros.' Some of her poetry has appeared in Pace University’s 'Chroma' magazine and placed in the English Department Writing Awards. She is currently a senior studying for her bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing, as well as working towards her master’s degree in Publishing at Pace University. Outside of her academic responsibilities, Ashley usually spends her time reading and writing all forms of poetry. She loves any type of romantic comedy movies, among her favorites are 'Made of Honor' and 'The Wedding Date.' She also enjoys baking; her favorite recipe is a chocolate chip mint cookie of her own design.